humus 美[ˈhjuməs] 英[ˈhjuːməs] n.腐殖质 网络腐植质;腐植土;腐殖土 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 Humus n. 1. 腐殖质a substance made from dead leaves and plants, added to soil to help plants grow
humus 音标['hju:mәs] humus是什么意思、humus怎么读 humus汉语翻译 n. 腐殖质 【化】 腐殖质 【医】 腐殖土, 腐植土 humus英语解释 名词humus: partially decomposed organic matter; the organic component of soil a thick spread made from mashed chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice and garlic; used especiall...
The lack ofhumusand the excessive leaching make this soil almost useless for agricultural purpose. 缺少腐殖质和过度淋滤使这种土壤对农业几乎无用. 辞典例句 The gender is fond of the environment of warm, wet, half shade, requirementhumusis rich. ...
Humus是一个基于Actor模式的编程语言,协助软件开发者构建可靠并发计算系统。编程特点 Humus主要特性是引用透明的纯函数编程的方法。Humus为软件开发商提供了一个基础,以建立可靠的并行计算机系统。它设有一个界定值的引用透明的纯功能性的核心。这些值将成为之间的消息(和指定的行为)动态配置的Actor 。Actor 的行为...
The meaning of HUMUS is a brown or black complex variable material resulting from partial decomposition of plant or animal matter and forming the organic portion of soil.
humus tank 腐殖沉淀池,腐殖质沉积池 sludge humus 污泥腐殖质 soluble humus 溶性腐殖质 相似单词 humus n. 腐殖质 forest humus 森林腐殖质 humus formation 腐殖质的形成 最新单词 emetine什么意思及同义词 吐根碱; 依米丁 emeticclogy什么意思及同义词 催吐药物学 emetic的意思 n. 催吐剂 a. 引起呕吐...
humusAlso found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. humus the organic material that is derived from the breakdown of plant and animal material occurring in the surface layers of the soil. Humus is black and colloidal in nature, coating the soil particles and improving ...
humus音标:['umus̺] 添加到生词本 西汉-汉西词典 m. 腐 质, 腐 土. 近反义词 近义词 mantillo, capa arable, capa fértil de suelo, capa superficial del suelo, suelo superficial, tierra negra, tierra vegetal, humus dulce, mantillo acolchado, mantillo blando, mantillo suave,migajón ...
1. humus***:[ˈhjuːməs] n.腐殖质;腐植土 【拆】=hum(泥土)+us(拉丁语名词词尾)→泥土→腐殖质;腐植土 2. human*:[ˈhjuːmən] adj.凡人的;人类的n.凡人;人类 【拆】=hum(泥土)+an(形容词和名词后缀,来自…的(事物),等于-en,golden,wooden)→泥土做成的(东西)→凡人(的),人类(的...