Meaning of Humility What’s the Difference Between Humble and Humility? Meaning of Humble Humble is an adjective defined as “not proud or arrogant.” Synonyms for humble include “modest,”“meek,” and “unassuming.” You might describe someone as humble if they never boast about their accomp...
The meaning of HUMILITY is freedom from pride or arrogance : the quality or state of being humble. How to use humility in a sentence. Humility: Its Use and Meaning
nounThe state or character of being humble; freedom from pride and arrogance; lowliness of mind; a low estimate of one's self; self-abasement. noun. An act of submission. nounA name of several different tattlers or totanine birds of the familyScolopacidæ. ...
Humility definition: the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.. See examples of HUMILITY used in a sentence.
它構成了以下單詞或部分單詞: antichthon; autochthon; autochthonic; bonhomie; bridegroom; camomile; chameleon; chernozem; chthonic; exhume; homage; hombre; homicide; hominid; Homo sapiens; homunculus; human; humane; humble; humiliate; humility; humus; inhumation; inhume; nemo; ombre; omerta。 這是...
Humility is the quality of being humble. If you meet one of your heroes and feel nervous and in awe of her, you are experiencing humility.
在梅尔西亚赞美诗中,拉丁语humilitatem被古英语eaðmodnisse解释。 同样来自于: early 14c. 分享"humility" 中文翻译由AI生成。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning ofhumility 想移除广告吗?登录查看更少的广告,并成为会员以移除所有广告。
hu‧mil‧i‧ty/hjuːˈmɪləti/noun[uncountable]the quality of not being tooproudabout yourself – use this to showapprovalHe spoke with great humility about his role, praising the efforts of his teammates above his own.SYNmodesty, →humble ...
HUMILITY meaning: the quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people the quality or state of being humble
What does humble mean? How do we define humble? Humility is mentioned many times in the BIble as a righteous trait to manifest in our lives. Let's explore the biblical meaning of being humble and how we can achieve this noble characteristic.