with 3:5, but in this instance the term is designed to convey the notion of subordination and humility. In all these cases the etymological sense of the word (ὑπὸ ἐρέτης) comes out. It primarily signifies an under-rower on board a galley, of the class who used the ...
A long overdue call to us as leaders to humble ourselves before the Lord and the people we lead. —Ed Litton, pastor and president of the Southern Baptist ConventionGet Product The two elements ofAbba The two elements are: Intimacy
(2) the history of the popes during the Middle Ages until the Reformation of the 16th century; ⇒Definition of pap(3) the papacy from the 16th century to the Vatican Council in 1870; (4) the era of Papal Infallibility, beginning in 1870. ...
The way we feel is not a definition as to who we are. Emotions are safe guards that brings to our attention the word or God. The word we know should set us free. The way we think in our hearts is who we are. Often being bound by the the word of God. Describe as a two edged...
“aim of life” which is at great conflict with God’s foremost command to “love God and keep His commandments” and to “love your neighbor as yourself”.“There is no other commandment greater than these.”Piper has in every sense and every definition created a new “precept of men”...
is a flame -baiter who leaves it out so he can take his anger out like a racist on anyone he can peg as related to his unjustly caused pain), because all those months of being vulnerable in public” (Wil’s definition of being vulnerable is, “to be in public,”, why then is he...
It makes no sense for God to do something which He told us is not of Him. The answer is found in the definition of 'love', and that the fact that Biblical love is NOT a warm, gooey feeling inside, meaning that our feelings can align with true love, but it is not the foundation...
Instead, we should first focus on the massive injections of raw, potent, thin-air money (a.k.a. "credit easing") by the Fed into the financial system. Sometimes this is referred to as "liquidity," which it is. But that's too narrow a definition, because it is much more; it also...
and promotes humility, love, prayer, praise, trust in God, and active imitation of his free mercy, that it encourages the use of means in the highest degree; that it may be ascertained by its effects in all who truly believe the Gospel; that it is the foundation of Christian assurance;...