PPO plans Medicare preferred provider organization (PPO) plans provide the most freedom, allowing you to see any provider that accepts the insurance. You may not need to choose a primary doctor, and you don’t need referrals to see specialists. You can seek out-of-network care, although it...
Humana Gold Plus is a PPO provider, which limits your choice of doctors and hospitals to those in its network and requires a referral from your primary physician to visit a hospital or specialist. Original Medicare allows you to choose your own doctor and referrals are not required. Humana Gol...
out-of-pocketcosts increaseusingnon-par providers Nonetwork;members mayuseanydoctoror hospitalaccepting MedicareandHumana’s paymenttermsand conditions Nonetwork; membersmayuse anydoctoror hospitalaccepting Medicare ReferralRequirementsYes,inmostcases, PCPmustrefer membersneeding specialtycare No,butsomeprocedures...