Here are examples of Humana Medicare Advantage costs for some popular plans in a mid-range city: Humana Medicare Advantage plan Pricing HumanaChoice (PPO) Monthly premium: $0. Deductible: $330. Out-of-pocket max: $3,600 in-network. Copays: Primary care: $0. Specialist: $30. Emergency ...
Point of service.A POS plan works the same as a PPO, with the important exception that if your in-network primary physician refers you to an out-of-network specialist, the insurance company will cover that specialist at the higher in-network rate. Benefits The benefits offered by each plan ...
LocalPPO,HMO&SNPMarkets PartialcountyPFFS&PDPStatesonly Humana’sSuiteofMedicareProducts HumanaGoldPlus HMO HumanaChoice PPO HumanaGoldChoice PFFS Medicare Supplement PrimaryCarePhysicianYesNoNoNo ProviderNetworkSmallerNetworkbut generallyincreased benefits Generallylargernetwork; includescoverageforboth participating...