The human rights context for ethical requirements for involving people with intellectual disability in medical research. J Intellect Disabl Res 2012;56:1122-32.T., IaconoR., Carling-Jenkins. (2012) The human rights context for ethical requirements for involving people with intellectual disability in...
performance internally, we have established a steering committee with members from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), People and Culture (P&C), Sustainable Procurement, and Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) to work on implementing the recommendations of our Corporate-Wide Human Rights Assessment...
Businesses and local operations are responsible for mitigating and managing the risks and implementing actions to help us meet our human rights policy commitments and relevant group requirements. Advancing human rights through our aims Our aim 12 is to support a just energy transition that advances hu...
We comply with applicable laws, and in the event of a conflict between such legal requirements and internationally recognised human rights we seek ways to honour the relevant human rights principles including through the application of our due diligence processes....
Human Rights report Creating a fairer and more socially inclusive world 2020 UNILEVER HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT 2020 1 Welcome to our Human Rights report 2020 We made a commitment in 2014 to disclose our efforts and challenges in implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This...
• Track trends and developments in legal requirements and best practices in Human Rights. Grievance mechanisms and Whistleblowing Channel Ensure that Human Rights impacts are effectively remediated and, where any of our operations have contributed to or are linked to impacts, ensure that the company...
McDonald’s internal Human Rights Working Group is a cross-functional team comprising team members from Supply Chain, Compliance, Franchising, Legal, Marketing, Operations, People, Public Policy, Safety, Security, Sustainability & Social Impact, with responsibility for informing, implementing and champion...
2. Section 3 briefly assesses the current international legal framework on the rights of the EHRDs. Section 4 critically analyzes the constraining and protective modalities regarding the behavior of the EHRDs through the eyes of Lessig’s theory. Section 5 aims to bring a holistic and multi-...
As a global company, Essity impacts millions of people’s lives every day, from employees and consumers to suppliers and our communities. With our hygiene and health solutions, we support people around the world to improve their we[...]
The Statement and Walmart's list of salient human rights issues were developed by a working group consisting of leaders from Walmart's associate relations, communications, belonging, government affairs, legal, and responsible sourcing functions, among others. ...