Fig. 1. ITGB6 RNA expression in human normal tissue plotted as ratesper kilobasemillion (RPKM). Data were obtained from Human Protein Atlas Dataset available 不仅可以直接使用,而且可以独立撑起一个figure。这数据库,我王多余学了。 THE HUMAN PROTEIN ATLAS,简称HPA,分为Cell,Tis...
The Human Protein Atlas contains images of histological sections from normal and cancer tissues obtained by immunohistochemistry. Antibodies are labeled with DAB (3,3'-diaminobenzidine) and the resulting brown staining indicates where an antibody has bou
In 2018 the Human Protein Atlas Image Classification competition focused on crowdsourcing machine learning solutions for multi-label image classification for a class-imbalanced dataset15. The winning solutions greatly improved the state of the art and have enabled novel insights into cellular architecture,...
这个比赛是典型的 [Multitask + Multilabel](,每张图可能包含 0~n 个不同的 label,并且每种 label 的分布差异较大。[赛前必读之一](
The dataset used for the HPA competition is available at: The external dataset HPAv18 is publicly available on the HPA: A script is provided for downloading the dataset is available athttps://githu...
"HPA_Main_Location_2020":这部分表示线粒体相关蛋白质在2020年版的人类蛋白质图谱(Human Protein Atlas,HPA)中被归类到的主要位置。HPA是一个用于研究人类蛋白质表达和定位的资源,其中包括了蛋白质的组织和亚细胞定位信息。 "(Reliability)":这部分可能表示与这个位置分类相关的可靠性评估或置信度。通常,HPA会提供...
When we trained the seven conventional models and two deep learning models on the training dataset using 10-fold cross-validation, we found that the two deep learning frameworks (RNN and CNN) performed better in predicting on-target activity than the conventional algorithms (Fig. 2a). The RNN ...
Here, we combined the International Molecular Exchange physical protein interaction dataset19 from IntAct (protein–protein interactions)20, Reactome (pathways)21 and SIGNOR (directed signaling pathways)22. To facilitate re-use of these data (referred to as ‘OTAR interactome’) we have made the ...
12 We chose to analyze the GTEx data as the primary dataset because he it benefits from a careful experimental design with more tissues samples. The expression levels are normalized for different confounding parameters and variation sources such as individual, sex, and age. Although in the paper ...
Full dataset import, subsetting and exportThe hpaDownload() function downloads full datasets from HPA and imports them into R as a list of tibbles, the standard object of tidyverse, which can subsequently be subset with hpaSubset() and export into .xmlx files with hpaExport(). The standard...