Tomomasa T, Hyman PE, Itoh K, et al: Gastroduodenal motility in neonates: Response to human milk compared to cow milk formula. Pediatrics 80: 434–438, 1987.Tomomasa P, Hyman K, Itoh K, et al. Gastroduodenal motility in neonates: response to human milk compared with cow′s milk ...
Distribution of Trace Elements and Minerals in Human and Cow's Milk Summary: The concentration of iron in cow's milk, 0.40–0.59 μg/ml, was found to be very similar to that of human milk, 0.20–0.69 μg/ml. The copper concentration of cow's milk (0.06–0.09 μg/ml) is lower tha...
Human breast milk has a high level of lactose (milk sugar). Compared to other mammalian milk, which contains about 5 grams per 100 mL, human breast milk contains 7.5 g per 100 mL, like cow’s milk. This is too much for a small kitten and can overwhelm their system....
C. Herrenkohl: DDT in human milk. What determines the levels? Sci. Total Environ. 6, 161 (1976). CAS Google Scholar Branski, D.: The prevalence of disease in the first year of life: Human and cow milk compared. In S. Freier and A. I. Eidelman (eds.): Human milk. Its ...
andclosedtohumanmilkintheaspectofnutritionalcomponents.Butgoatmilkhadgoatyflavoranditwasshortof iron,folicacidandvitaminB⋯whichshouldbepaidattentionofthisaspect. KeyWOrds:goatmilk;COWmilk;humanmilk;nutritionaIcomponent 中图分类号:TS201.4 文献标识码:A ...
Prospective estimation of IgG, IgG subclass and IgE antibodies to dietary proteins in infants with cow milk allergy : Levels of antibodies to whole milk pr... Prospectively, serum levels of IgE, specific IgE antibodies (AB) to whole cow milk protein (CMP), bovine se-albumin, bovine immunoglob...
The chemical composition of cow's milk, which has been a standard food for infant nutrition for many years, differs in a number of ways from human milk. The concentrations of protein, whey protein nitrogen, sodium and potassium in cow's milk are two to three times higher than in human ...
Milk may serve as a vector for the transmission of substances of extrinsic origin which can be potentially toxic to the consumer. These toxins may originate in cow's milk from the ingestion of plants known to contain toxic substances or feeds contaminated with mycotoxins, or residues of ...
Does Low IgA in Human Milk Predispose the Infant to Development of Cow's Milk Allergy? KIRSI-MARJUT JÄRVINEN, SEPPO T. LAINE, ANNA-LIISA JÄRVENPÄÄ, AND HANNA K. SUOMALAINEN Helsinki University Central Hospital, Department of Dermatology, FIN-00029 HUCH, Helsinki [K.-M.J., H.K.S...
Weight gain and some biochemical changes were observed in 7 preterm infants of low birthweight when their diet was abruptly changed from one of human milk to a modified cow9s milk formula.There was a fall in the serum calcium and a rise in the inorganic phosphate levels in the week after ...