Functional mapping of the human brain - Mazoyer, Tzourio - 1993B. M. Mazoyer and N. Tzourio, "Functional mapping of the human brain," in Developmental Recognition: Speech and Face Processing in the First Year of Life, B. de Boysson-Bardies et al., Eds. the Netherlands: Kluwer, ...
持续注意(sustained attention)是一种对日常生活至关重要的基本心理能力。功能磁共振(Functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI)研究发现,多个脑功能网络在被试内脑活动变化及持续注意的个体差异中起着重要作用。之前研究表明,背侧注意网络(dorsal attention network, DAN),腹侧注意网络(ventral attention network, VA...
功能磁共振(Functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI)研究发现,多个脑功能网络在被试内脑活动变化及持续注意的个体差异中起着重要作用。之前研究表明,背侧注意网络(dorsal attention network, DAN),腹侧注意网络(ventral attention network, VAN)和默认网络(default mode network, DMN)的活动与持续操作任务(continuous...
持续注意(sustained attention)是一种对日常生活至关重要的基本心理能力。功能磁共振(Functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI)研究发现,多个脑功能网络在被试内脑活动变化及持续注意的个体差异中起着重要作…
网络释义 1. 人脑功能映射 关于人脑功能映射(HumanBrainMapping)的一个有趣的实验是扣指(Finger-Tapping)实验。选择多名受试者,令受试者用拇指和 …|基于10个网页 2. 人脑功能图谱 ...FunctionalBrainImaging)建构人脑功能图谱(HumanBrainMapping):例如人脑在阅读过程中,低、高频字显然徵用不同...
与fMRI相比,EEG和MEG能够更加直接地测量神经活动并且具有更高的时间分辨率,因此,利用EEG和MEG研究全脑静息态有向功能连接具有一定的优势。本文内容来源于发表在《Human Brain Mapping》杂志,题目为《Directed functional connections underlying spontaneous brain activity》的研究论文,该研究论文利用EEG溯源分析、多变量...
本文内容来源于发表在《Human Brain Mapping》杂志,题目为《Directed functional connections underlying spontaneous brain activity》的研究论文,该研究论文利用EEG溯源分析、多变量Granger因果分析和图论分析研究了静息态下哪些脑区是主要的驱动源。 #研究方法#
来自哈佛大学医学院精神系的Rashid等调查了约250篇该领域的文献,总结了精神分裂症、重度抑郁症、双向情感障碍、自闭症谱系障碍、注意力缺陷多动障碍、强迫症、社交焦虑障碍、创伤后应激障碍以及物质依赖等精神障碍在结构性磁共振(structural magne...
This chapter traces a brief history of human functional brain mapping. Functional brain imaging with positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging is made possible because blood flow changes locally in the brain in relation to changes in cellular activity. Even though the blood fl...
The central panel depicts the human brain functional affinity map and the boundaries of the three TPJ subregions. The left panel demonstrates the word clouds derived from the meta-analysis on cognitive function of the left TPJ subregions, and the right panel is for their homotopic positions 在...