Production of female gamete called ovum/egg. Providing nutrition and protecting the developing embryo. It consists of the following parts: Ovaries: Ovaries produce and store ovum in them. These are the primary reproductive structures that produce female gametes (eggs) and sex hormones. There is one...
The male gamete or sex cell that contains the genetic information to be transmitted by the male, exhibits autokinesia, and is able to effect zygosis with an oocyte. The human sperm is composed of a head and a tail, the tail being divisible into a neck, a middle piece, a principal piec...
During this phase of highest visibility, each chromosome is longitudinally paired (it consists of two identical copies); each duplicate of the chromosome is called a chromatid. In turn, the chromatid is generally divided by a constriction into two arms that are linked together at this point; ...
Production of the female gamete, the egg, followed by its release from the ovary is called ovulation. Ovulation is cyclical and predictable. These cycles are called menstrual cycles in humans. Cyclical changes in hormone secretion by ovaries cause changes in the entire female reproductive tract, in...
Those of the male are called testes; those of the female are ovaries. The gonads are paired structures, although in some forms what appears to be an unpaired gonad is the result either of fusion of paired structures or of unilateral degeneration. The reproductive elements formed in the gonads...
(or spermatozoon), combine with the chromosomes in one female gamete, called an oocyte. The function of the male reproductive system is to produce sperm and transfer them to the female reproductive tract. The paired testes are a crucial component in this process, as they produce both ...
gamete that is composed ofa head, neck, middle piece, and tail. All parts and Whole body of sperm are enclosed by a plasma membrane. The head of the sperm contains an elongated haploid nucleus. The anterior portion or top of the head is covered by a cap-like structure called an acro...
The parts of the female reproductive tract normally include two ovaries, two uterine tubes (also calledfallopian tubes), a single pear-shaped uterus, and a single vagina. Gamete production is the responsibility of the ovaries, whereas protection and nourishment of the growing embryo and fetus befor...
Since mitochondria of the zygote are almost exclusively contributed by the cytoplasm of the female gamete, genes carried by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) follow the rules of "maternal inheritance" or "cytoplasmic inheritance". In principle, mutations in mitochondrial DNA will be transmitted to all the ...
In mouse and human embryos, cortical granule release during fertilization causes a physical change in stiffness, which is called ‘zona-hardening’18, a process previously described only biochemically. The response of the oocyte membrane to needle puncture during intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) ...