Civilisation and the human condition defined and explained as the blossoming then shrivelling of the shared human understanding known as society
The transition between the end of the Middle Paleolithic (MP) and the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic (UP) coincides with the decline of the Neanderthals and the expansion of the first anatomically modern human (AMH) groups in Western Europe. It was during this period, around 42,000 years...
High basal SNS activity may thus be a necessary condition for extinction consolidation augmentation by L-DOPA. The potential moderating influence of state sAA remains open. Fig. 6: Relationship between trait and state sAA and CRs at test in context B on day 3. a Whereas high trait sAA was ...
The simulation results are also in agreement with [8], in showing pacemaker activity in human PCs with elevated diastolic transmembrane potential (TOP ~ −70) in control condition. Hyperkalaemia stopped pacemaker activity, as also reported experimentally [8], but only when automaticity was due ...
normal growth condition, the expression level of novel transcripts is below the detection limit explaining why they remain unannotated. With stress, their expression level increases significantly, presumably to improve cell fitness and survivability. Thus, these transcripts represent a hidden layer of ...
After one week, the number of organoids was counted using the GelCount system (Oxford Optronix). The number of organoids formed in each well was normalized to the number of single cells plated to determine organoid formation rate. Results were tabulated and plotted using Prism 9 (GraphPad) ...
In details, cuteSV extracts insertions/deletions > 30 bp in size as described by the CIGARs of the reads and composes them into Sigs with their positions, lengths, and read IDs. For two signatures, Sig1 and Sig2, cuteSV merges them if they meet the following condition: ...
The Ethics of Care as Moral Theory | The Ethics of Care: Personal, Political, and Global | Oxford Academic Care work makes all other work possible. Putting care—not just care work, but care—at the center of our economy, our politics, is to orient ourselves around our interdependence. ...
(head/tail labels were nominal in the latter condition). Thus, endowments were unequal when tail players received less than 10 coins and equal when all players received 10 coins. Each group played multiple games each of 10 rounds, receiving the same endowment on each occasion, but experiencing...
In this study, only one trial per condition was performed; however, more repetitions of trials for each ratio could have allowed us to evaluate the dog’s majority choice more clearly; we would have been able to evaluate the effect of familiarity with the demonstrators despite the existence of...