3D Human Anatomy Atlas mac版是一款取自《透视人体》(Visible Body)的人体解剖学图谱,是男性和女性人体解剖学上最精确的三维全新应用程序,具备目前任何一款软件都无法媲美的内容,为医学专业的从业者和学习者提供了关于骨骼解剖学的,犹如百科全书般的解剖学参考资料。3D Human Anatomy Atlas的每个模型中有超过4600个结...
A true and totally 3D app for learning human anatomy with 3D position quiz, built on an advanced interactive 3D touch interface. ***From the creator of Visual Anatomy app. Features: ★You can rotate models to any angles and zoom in and out ★Peel
Zygote Body is a free online 3D anatomy atlas. View, isolate, and learn human anatomy structures with Zygote Body.
Free 3D anatomy mobile app for iOS and Android. The only application that includes interactive 3D anatomy, physiology, conditions, and treatments.
3] 3D Bones and Organs 3D Bones and Organs is a free Windows 10 app. You can install it from theMicrosoft Store. It is available in four different languages. The English language is set as default. 3D Bones and Organs is a fully-featured Human Anatomy software that comes with different ...
Human Anatomy is the place for you to learn Anatomy. This app provides you with several hundreds of questions, slides and other games to improve your knowledge…
Visible Body Human Anatomy Atlas for PC Full (3D) Human anatomy 2.5.2 for android Visible Body - Human Anatomy Atlas - 7.4.01 人体解剖图谱是我们最畅销,屡获殊荣的人体解剖学参考。该应用程序是用来探索人体系统的革命性的三维可视化和学习工具。它包含超过3,600个解剖结构,包括男性和女性身体各主要器官...
Visual Anatomy 3D - Human BodyAltre app di questo sviluppatore Easy Acupuncture 3D - LITE Reflexologie Videos 教育 DifFriend - Peer Support 社交 Easy Acupuncture 3D -FULL 教育 Anatomy Quiz - muscles and bones 医疗
3D Human Anatomy is professional educational and learning app, offers 3200 Quality models in 3D HD and informa | 3D Human Anatomy Pro怎么样,是否值得买 | Mergeek.com