3D Anatomy 0.0 229下载 医护 扫码下载手机版 预览资讯攻略 简介 一种结合了肌肉解析和运动解剖知识的移动应用程序,它为用户提供了关于人体肌肉结构、功能以及与运动相关的深入信息,每块肌肉的详细信息,包括肌肉的起源、插入点、功能等,帮助用户了解肌肉的解剖学知识无论是健身爱好者、运动员、医学生还是普通人群,都可...
Explore Anatomy in Human Anatomy Atlas 2018: Complete 3D Human Body 3.3 Free Free Medical Dictionary Offline dictionary of medical terms 3.4 Free Free DICOM Viewer View DICOM for Free 3.8 Paid Muscle and Bone Anatomy 3D A full version app for Windows, by Real Bodywork. 3.8 Free Kamus Get a ...
中文名:3D Anatomy for the Artist 艺术家之3d解剖图app安卓是一款艺术性的人体解剖解读软件,让用户们更好的去了解每一个部位,作为解剖学的你们需要懂得,这样就能更好的去进行操作,更加的清除,更加的方便有利于自己进行使用,一起来这里看看吧! 艺术家之3d解剖图官方版介绍 艺术家之3d解剖图是一个3d人物体型结构的...
Depth study of anatomy has been a critical step for any great artist, since Michelangelo and Leonardo to the best comic artist of today. This app allows artists to display the skeletal and muscular system through highly detailed 3D anatomical models. The shape of each bone and muscle will be...
A true and totally 3D app for learning human anatomy with muscle action movies, 3D position quiz and audio pronunciation, built on an advanced interactive 3D to…
Study the human anatomy on one of the most detailed human 3D model with proper medical descriptions and hierarchies. Now for iOS, Windows, MacOS and Android.
3D Anatomy是一款专注于人体解剖学习的APP,依托先进的3D触控技术,直观展现人体结构,是医学生不可或缺的解剖学习工具。 【软件概览】 该应用集成了详尽的肌肉分析与运动解剖知识,为用户深度剖析人体肌肉构造、功能及其在运动中的作用。涵盖每块肌肉的起源、附着点及功能描述,无论是对健身热衷者、专业运动员、医学学生,...
3D modeled by physicians and anatomy experts. Using the International Anatomical Terminology. +6000 anatomical structures. Add, Delete and Combine anatomical structures. Guided learning system. 64bits BROWSER REQUIRED Be patient, the first time it can take several minutes to load. 64Bits Browser is ...
Explore human anatomy in interactive 3D with Visible Body! Human Anatomy Atlas is a one-time purchase that gives you access to essential gross anatomy 3D models and select microanatomy models and animations on your iOS devices. Additional in-app purchases are available for physiology animations and...