( huangqijianzhongtang ) 别名:黄耆汤 黄耆建中汤《伤寒全生集》 主治: 汗多亡阳,尺脉虚弱者。 处方: 黄耆、芍药、桂枝、胶饴、甘草、陈皮、白术。 用法用量: 加生姜,水煎服。元气虚甚,加人参;热,加柴胡。 黄耆建中汤《肘后方》 主治: 男女因积劳虚损,或大病后不复常,若四肢沉滞,骨肉疼酸,吸吸少气,行...
黄芪建中汤加味 黄芪24克,党参15克,白术9克,茯苓15克,桂枝6克,白芍15克,当归7.5克,甘草4.5克,生姜6克,大枣3枚。 【功能主治】补中益气,甘温除热。主机体伤损,正气虚弱。(胃癌术后发热) 方剂类型:解表剂、清热剂、泻下剂、祛风湿剂、祛湿利水剂、温里剂、理气剂、消导剂、驱虫剂、止血剂、活血剂、化痰...
( huangqijianzhongjiadangguitang ) 别名:黄耆建中汤,黄耆汤 黄耆建中加当归汤《本事》 主治: 伤寒。发热,头疼,烦渴,脉浮数而无力,尺以下迟而弱,未可表散发汗者。 处方: 黄耆1两半(蜜炙),当归(洗,去芦,薄切,焙干)1两半,白芍药3两,桂枝1两1分(去粗皮,不见火),甘草1两(炙)。 制备方法: 上为粗末。
《得效》卷九:加减黄耆建中汤 【处方】白术3钱,白茯苓3钱,桔梗3钱,人参3钱半,秦艽5钱,北柴胡(去芦)5钱,防风5钱,白芍药5钱,甘草5钱,当归(去尾)5钱,泽泻5钱,生干地黄5钱,熟地5钱,黄地5钱,骨皮肉5钱,豆蔻(煨)5钱,槟榔5钱,缩砂仁5钱,猪苓4钱,黄耆1两。 【制法】上为散。 【功能主治】男子妇...
汉语拼音名:Huangqi Jianzhong Wan批件号:2002ZD-0341类别:地标升国标剂型:丸剂(大蜜丸)规格:每丸重9g生产单位:赤峰天奇制药有限责任公司国药准字:Z20025423哈高科佳木斯中药有限公司国药准字:Z20025424内蒙古大唐药业有限公司国药准字:Z20025425内蒙古五原九郡药业有限责任公司国药准字:Z20025426内蒙古亿利科技实业股份有限...
Huangqi Jianzhong TangChronic atrophic gastritisLC-MSPhospholipase A2Glycerophospholipids metabolismHuangqi Jianzhong Tang (HQJZ), a famous classic traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) formula, could protect metabolic perturbations of carbohydrates and amino acids induced by chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG) in ...
Objective: To investigate the clinical curative effect of peptic ulcer by the treatment of Huangqijianzhong Soup combined with western medicine. Methods: 8... 农志新 - 《遼寧中醫藥大學學報》 被引量: 0发表: 2008年 Clinical Study of Jiawei Huangqi Guizhi Wuwu Decoction (加味黄芪桂枝五物汤) in...
< 黄芪建中汤治疗十二指肠球部溃疡临床总结(To summarize the treatment of duodenal ulcer clinical Huangqi jianzhongdecoction)搜索 阅读原文 下载APP
Effects of Huangqi Jianzhong Decoction combined with moxibustion on ulcerative colitis of spleen deficiency and dampness accumulation type and on T cell population LU Sha1, JING Xiaofeng1, , , QIN Huan2, SUN Yan3, LI Jiaming4 1. Department of Anorectal, Shijiazhuang Traditional Chinese Medicine ...
our hospital 84 cases of refractory ulcer patients were randomly divided into observation group and control group.The observation group with Huangqi Jianzhong Decoction combined withproton pump inhibitor'squadruple sequential therapy,the control group using proton pump inhibitors' quadruple sequential therapy...