I'm trying to take this course; https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/modules/clean-data-power-bi/8-lab using the lab provided. When I try the "open report' step; it fails, and suggests I download a new copy of powerBI. But that doesn't fix the problem...
微软Power BI的认证, https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/credentials/certifications/exams/pl-300/_牛客网_牛客在手,offer不愁
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-在Power BI中制作美观的图像切片器 尽管Power BI支持嵌入图片,但许多星友不知道如何放入图片。简单的插入本地图片方式只能静态显示,如果需要图片根据数据动态显示,需要一个图片字段,这需要获取每张图片的URL地址。 对于较小的图片,如图标、logo和产品图片等,可以将本地图片转换为图像URL字段,方法可以参考:Power BI如何...
•Each lab clearly indicates the $ cost of using Azure to all labs including scenario, technology, and cost ($, $$, $$$) further costs of azure can be assessed by using the Azure Pricing Calculator https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing...
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Mapbox Visual for Power BI - High performance, custom map visuals for Power BI dashboards. This version of Mapbox Visual for Microsoft Power BI is no longer maintained. You can find the live and maintained version of the plugin at: https://github.com/sta