As for how to get it: I would tend to simply try and order one with the provider of your choice, and enter the IP address instead of a domain during the ordering process. However, running a site on an IP address to avoid the DNS lookup sounds awfully like unnecessary m...
先请出免费获取证书的Let's Encrypt的certbot工具,尝试为IP颁发证书,输出如下: [root@xxxx ~]# certbot certonly --standalone -d Requested name is an IP address. The Let's Encrypt certificate authority will not issue certificates for a bare IP address. 结论:Let...
打开Windows PowerShell。 在PowerShell中输入导入证书的命令,如Import-Certificate -FilePath "ssltrus-g1.der" -CertStoreLocation cert:\CurrentUser\Root(引号中的内容为根证书目前存放的实际路径)。 点击“是”,确认导入。 五、测试与优化阶段 测试HTTPS连接: 使用浏览器访问内网IP地址,检查是否能正常加载页面,且...
The certificate for this site does not contain a Subject Alternative Name extension containing a domain name or IP address. 提示必须指定DNS Name或者IP地址,而指定这个必须要用v3的证书。生成v3证书只需要比上面多加2个参数-extfile openssl.cnf -extensions v3_req,但是多了一个额外的配置文件,这个文件里面...
ssl_certificate_key/etc/ssl/private/nginx-selfsigned.key; 添加这些行后,保存并关闭该文件。 使用强加密设置创建配置代码段 接下来,我们将创建另一个片段,用于定义一些SSL设置。这将使Nginx具有强大的SSL密码套件,并启用一些有助于保证我们的服务器安全的高级功能。
x.Listen(IPAddress.Any,443,listenOptions=>{varserverCertificate =newX509Certificate2("server.p12","abc123");varhttpsConnectionAdapterOptions =newHttpsConnectionAdapterOptions() {// must provide a valid certificate for authenticationClientCertificateMode=ClientCertificateMode.RequireCertificate,SslProtocols=Sys...
Alternatively, a CA can issue a certificate for an IP address via the Subject Alternate Name extension. If you ignore the above advice and continue with your current strategy, my first suggestion is that you do your testing over HTTP (rather than HTTPS). Given that your test servers aren’...
这个错误是因为Java在通过HTTPS访问该IP地址的服务时,无法验证该服务证书的有效性和信任性,导致SSL连接失败。 常见的原因有: 该服务使用的是自签名证书,而非权威CA机构颁发的证书。 服务证书存在问题,比如过期、域名不匹配等。 Java运行环境没有信任该服务使用的证书颁发机构。 服务配置问题,未提供完整的证书链。
version ofthiscertificate in the future,simply run certbot-autoagain.To non-interactively renew*all*of your certificates,run"certbot-auto renew"-Your account credentials have been saved in your Certbot configuration directory at/etc/letsencrypt.You should make a ...
Email Address [] ← 电子邮箱,可随意填 Please enter the following ‘extra’ attributes to be sent with your certificate request A challenge password []: ← 可以不输入 An optional company name []: ← 可以不输入 6,生成类型为X509的自签名证书。有效期设置3650天,即有效期为10...