If SQL Server is running on Windows Vista (or an equivalent Windows Server edition), you might have to specifically register the certificate for local IP address (IPv4: or IPv6: [::1]), as well as the computer's external IP address, to enable "locahost" connectivity over SSL...
CSR(Certificate Signing Request)文件是您的证书请求文件。该文件包含您的SSL证书信息,例如,证书绑定的域名、证书持有主体的名称及地理位置信息等。 您向CA中心提交证书申请时,必须提供CSR。CA中心审核通过您的证书申请后,将使用其根CA私钥为您提供的CSR签名,生成SSL证书公钥(即签发给您的SSL证书)。SSL证书的私钥即您...
本文介绍如何在Spring Boot应用中配置SSL证书,具体包括下载和上传证书文件,在Spring Boot应用配置证书文件、证书链和证书密码等参数,以及安装证书后结果的验证。成功配置SSL证书后,您将能够通过HTTPS加密通道安全访问Spring Boot应用,确保数据传输的安全性。 前提条件 已通过数字证书管理服务控制台签发证书。具体操作,请参...
Domain Name System (DNS) resolution is complete on the domain name that is bound to the certificate. The domain name is resolved to an IP address. You can use the DNS verification tool to check whether the DNS record of the domain name takes effect. For more information, see Verify ...
() b.Security.Mode = SecurityMode.Transport b.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Certificate' You must create an array of URI objects to have a base address.DimaAsNewUri(addressHttp)DimbaseAddresses()AsUri = {a}' Create the ServiceHost. The service type (Calculator)...
(Subject Alternative Names) *additional costs apply Up to 100 subdomains or top level domains Up to 100 subdomains, top level domains, or public IP addresses Up to 100 subdomains Information included in certificate Verified domain name Organization name Organization address Verified domain name ...
openssl pkcs12 -export -out myserver.pfx -inkey <private-key-file> -in <merged-certificate-file> 出现提示时,请指定导出操作的密码。 稍后将 TLS/SSL 证书上传到应用服务时,必须提供此密码。 如果使用 IIS 或 Certreq.exe 生成证书请求,请将证书安装到本地计算机,然后将证书导出为 PFX 文件。 将证书上...
Domain Name System (DNS) resolution is complete on the domain name that is bound to the certificate. The domain name is resolved to an IP address. You can use the DNS verification tool to check whether the DNS record of the domain name takes effect. For more information, see Verify the ...
CertificateExtra 获取证书列表(DescribeCertificates)返回参数键为 Certificates 数组下,key为CertificateExtra 的内容。 被如下接口引用:DescribeCertificate, DescribeCertificateDetail, DescribeCertificates。 名称类型描述 DomainNumber String 证书可配置域名数量。注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。示例值:1 Origin...
You are entering the Common Name (CN) of the certificate as a SAN. Following regulations, we will always add your Common Name as a SAN, this does not need to be specified. You incorrectly enter the SAN as a sub-domain, multi-domain name, internal SAN or IP. You need to choose the...