*" Then Set xMailOut = xOutApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) With xMailOut .Display .To = xRgVal .Subject = "Test" .HTMLBody = "<HTML><BODY><span style=""color:#80BFFF"">Font Color</span style=""color:#80BFFF""> <br>the <b>bold text</b> here.</br> <br><u>New line with u...
创建名为 HtmlEmailTo、HtmlEmailFrom 和 HtmlEmailSubject 的字符串变量,并向它们分配相应的值,以用于有效的测试消息。 创建一个名为 HtmlEmailBody 的字符串变量,并向其分配 HTML 标记字符串。例如: <html><body><h1>Testing</h1><p>This is a <b>test</b> message.</p></body></html> ...
The first stage in coding an HTML email is to set a Doctype. This tells the software reading the code that it’s dealing with HTML. And also what version of HTML you’re using. This is important, so email clients know what tags to expect and interpret them correctly. Every piece of H...
Mail to email address <a href="mailto:name@rapidtables.com">Send mail</a> The code will generate this link: Send mail Pressing the above link will open a new mail window: Mail to email address with subject <a href="mailto:name@rapidtables.com?subject=The%20subject%20of%20the%20mail"...
}/*** 发送简单的文本邮件*/@TestpublicvoidsendTextEmail()throwsException {//创建Session实例对象Session session =Session.getDefaultInstance(props);//创建MimeMessage实例对象MimeMessage message =newMimeMessage(session);//设置发件人message.setFrom(newInternetAddress(from));//设置邮件主题message.setSubject("...
email.setSmtpPort(25);// 账号和密码email.setAuthentication("***@163.com","***");// 将要发送邮件的接受人和称呼email.addTo("**@qq.com","weic");// 发送人和称呼email.setFrom("*@163.com","Me");// 邮件主题email.setSubject("Test email with inline image");// 字符编码email....
from email.mime.text import MIMEText import smtplib mail = MIMEText('邮件正文') # 简单纯文本消息的邮件 # mail = MIMEText('邮件正文', _subtype='html', _charset='utf-8') # HTML格式的邮件 mail['Subject'] = '邮件主题' mail['From'] = '发件人地址' # 需与邮件服务器的认证用户一致 ...
HtmlEmail hemail = new HtmlEmail(); try { hemail.setHostName(getHost(from)); hemail.setSmtpPort(getSmtpPort(from)); hemail.setCharset(charSet); hemail.addTo(toMailAddr); hemail.setFrom(from, fromName); hemail.setAuthentication(username, password); hemail.setSubject(subject); freeMarker...
mail(“your@email.address”, “Here is the subject line”, $_POST[“insert your message here”]. “From: an@email.address”); } ?> Everything inside the first and last lines will tell the web page to make these functions perform as PHP. ...
public String embed(URL url, String name) throws EmailException Embeds an URL in the HTML. This method embeds a file located by an URL into the mail body. It allows, for instance, to add inline images to the email. Inline files may be referenced with a cid:xxxxxx URL, where xxxxxx...