HTML also allows you to specify a defaultemail subjectas well as anemail bodyalong with the email address to make it more specific. Open Compiler <!DOCTYPEhtml><html><body><p>Creating an HTML Email Link</p><ahref="
The code will generate this link: Send mail with subject Pressing the above link will open a new mail window: Mail to email address with cc, bcc, subject and body <a href=" ...
Your Email address: The Link Text: The Subject Line: The Body of the Email: Copy this Code:HTML Email Mailto LinkHere's a HTML email link code example. If you want the person to click the mailto hyperlink and their email client to open with your email in the TO part of the email ...
Demo: Send Email To add a body text, use the "body" parameter with other parameters: <a href=",, & from our Website&body=Some body text here">Send Email</a> Copy Demo:...
mailItem.Subject = subject; //设置邮件to列表 mailItem.To = toName; //设置邮件cc列表 mailItem.Cc= ccName; //设置邮件的bcc列表 mailItem.Bcc=bccName; //这里特别注意了,这里的mailBody是一个可以带html样式的body var mailBody= "<html><body><font color='red'>This is the email body with ...
email.setSmtpPort(25);// 账号和密码email.setAuthentication("***","***");// 将要发送邮件的接受人和称呼email.addTo("**","weic");// 发送人和称呼email.setFrom("*","Me");// 邮件主题email.setSubject("Test email with inline image");// 字符编码email....
In this article, I’m going to walk you through both methods. Building HTML emails with code, and without code. What is an HTML Email? An HTML email is an email created using computer code. Like web pages, HTML emails are built using so-called ‘markup’ languages HTML, CSS, and XML...
mail(“your@email.address”, “Here is the subject line”, $_POST[“insert your message here”]. “From: an@email.address”); } ?> Everything inside the first and last lines will tell the web page to make these functions perform as PHP. ...
<td class="mail-subject"><a href="mail_detail.html">亲,双11来啦!帮你挑货,还送你4999元红包!仅此一次!</a> </td> <td class=""><i class="fa fa-paperclip"></i> </td> <td class="text-right mail-date">上午6:48</td> </tr> <tr class="read"> <td class="check...
the clever and strategic subject line combined with Good Ol’ Bakery will produce a winning email campaign. Moreover, Good Ol’ Bakery features a dark, sophisticated layout appealing to the eye. The design works great with eCommerce platforms, too, and you can even utilize it for something en...