The FPGA is successfully decoding the packets and receiving data. However, the FPGA receiver is expecting both the HSYNC/VSYNC start packets and HSYNC/VSYNC end packets, but the RT1176 is only sending the HSYNC and VSYNC start packets at the start of a line/frame. I’ve...
Hi guys, I have to set my display resolution with hdmi is 800x600, but i have no idea about some of paramters(hsync start, vsync start). So, I need
打印边长为m的正方型。要求:从键盘输入m值,输出 m行,每行 m个"*"号组成的正方形。例:输入m=4,输出的图形如下: 点击查看答案 第3题 A.喷墨 B.激光 C.热敏 D.针式 点击查看答案 第4题 喷墨打印机的结构简图如图 7-13所示。其中墨盒可以发出墨汁微滴,其半径约10-5m。(损盒每秒钟可 ...