and writing (a total of 100 items). Passing HSK 5 indicates you can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays, and give a full-length speech in Chinese. In this HSK 5 level vocabulary list, you must have mastered 2500 commonly used words and related grammar patte...
312 废话 fèi huà superfluous words; nonsense 他说的都是一些废话。 313 费用 fèi yòng cost; expenses 那个国家的生活费用是多少? 314 肥皂 féi zào soap 这种肥皂味道很香。 315 分别 fēn bié respectively 老师将分别解释每一种方法。 316 分布 fēn bù distribution 这些鸟的地理分布很广。 317 ...
Note: Unlike our previous HSK quiz sheets, which include full vocabulary, these quiz sheets only contain the new words for this level. Struggling with HSK 5? We Can Help! HSK 5 Vocab New HSK 5 Vocabulary PDF with Examples Kosakata HSK 5 PDF HSK 5 Vocabulary, Test 1 HSK 5, Test 2...
如果看到“勤奋”,“努力”, “出差”, “会议”等词语,可基本确定短文写作的主题是“工作”; Ifthere are words like 勤奋, ”努力, 出差”, 会议, etc., the topic then can be basically determined as ”工作; 2。 确定主题后,根据“时间,地点,人物,事件”等记叙的基本要素,快速用五个词语组织起一...
New HSK 3.0 includes 11092 vocabulary words in total, with 3 levels and 9 bands. You can access each level of vocabulary list with Pinyin and English.
HSK 5 Word version HSK 5 PDF version HSK6 (ERK level C2, amount of words: 5000, Exam duration: 135 min) Listening.(Played once assignments). Reading. Writing. HSK 6 Word version HSK 6 PDF version This template is a 'must have' if you are studying for HSK5. Download it now!DISCLAIM...
There are 5000 Chinese words you need to learn to pass the HSK level 6 test. (2500 new words + 2500 HSK 5 words)
We compiled all the essential grammar points required for masteringHSK level 5below. 5.1 – The Two Usages of the Word 所 (suǒ) 所1 auxiliary Structure: 所+ verb +的 e.g. 别动,你所站的位置很危险! 这些信息是我以前所不知道的。
(of Chinese compound words); also written 辭典|辞典[cí diǎn]; CL:部[bù],本[běn] cíyǔ cízhí cǐwài cì cìyào cìjī cōngmáng cōngming cóng cóngcǐ cóngér cónglái cóngqián cóngshì word (general term including monosyllables through to short phrases); term (e.g. ...
5.苹果píngguǒapple 我喜欢吃苹果。Ilikeapples. 6.三sānthree 今天来了三位客人。Wehavethreegueststoday. 7.五wǔfive 五个苹果、一个西瓜,一共多少钱?Howmucharethefiveapplesandonewatermelon? 8.一yīone 我想买一本书。Iwanttobuyabook. 9.买mǎibuy 我马上去买。Gotobuyit. 10.我wǒI;me 我是...