200950 Tomato Juice 200960 Grape Juice (Including Grape Must) 200970 Apple Juice 200980 Juice of Any Other Single Fruit or Vegetable 200990 Mixtures of Juice (Of Fruit, Vegetable) How to import PREPS OF VEGS, FRUITS, NUTS and above specified. ...
2009.50.00 10 Fruit juices (including grape must) and vegetable juices, unfermented and not containing added spirit, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter. - Tomato juice - In airtight containers LTR 2009.50.00 90 Fruit juices (including grape must) and vegetable ...
20098080-juice-of-any-single-vegetable-other-than-tomato 21069052-juice-of-any-single-fruit-or-vegetables-juices 22072000-ethyl-alcohol-and-other-spirits-denatured-of 27109945-waste-mixtures-of-hydrocarbons-from-petro-oils- 27101145-light-oil-mixt-of-hydrocarbons-fr-petro-oils- ...
Latest China HS Code & tariff for blue-orange-juice - Tariff & duty, regulations & restrictions, landed cost calculator, customs data for blue-orange-juice in ETCN. China customs statistics trade data.
The active substances in tomatoes, which were among the aqueous components as of tomato juice supernatant, showed the same anti-fatigue effects as whole tomato juice. Moreover, these effects were mimicked by water supplemented with the aqueous components (i.e., sugars, organic acids, and amino...
) are first removed because of their bitterness.[14] The petals are blanched for 5 minutes, and then cooked a la mexicana (with tomato, onion, chili) or in tortitas con salsa (egg-battered patties with green or red sauce). In Guatemala, they are boiled and eaten with lemon juice.[14...