英文名称 Mixed fruit juice 所属分类及章节 类目 第4类 食品;饮料、酒及醋;烟草、烟草及烟草代用品的制品 章节 第20章 蔬菜、水果、坚果或植物其他部分的制品 海关监管证件代码中每个字母代表 监管证件代码 监管证件名称 监管证件代码 监管证件名称 1 进口许可证 O 自动进口许可证(新旧机电产品) 2 两用物项和...
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蔬菜汁(Vegetable juice),归入税号2009.8920 混合水果汁(Mixtures of fruit juices),归入税号2009.9010 果汁饮料(Beverage),归入税号2202.9900 坚果类 归类依据: 《税则注释》品目20.08规定,本品目包括在其他章或本品目以前本章各品目所列加工范围以外的经制作或保藏的水果、坚果及植物其他食用部分,整个、切开或破碎的,混...
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HS name for Orange Juice (Other than Frozen)? Mention Harmonized Tariff system code of Orange Juice (Other than Frozen). What is the Product code for import of Grapefruit Juice. How to get product code for export of Grapefruit Juice. How to find commodity code to import Grapefruit Juice....
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- Orange juice: - Other - Other - Other LTR 2009.21.00 Fruit juices (including grape must) and vegetable juices, unfermented and not containing added spirit, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter. - Grapefruit juice (including pomelo) juice: - Of a Brix value...
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