[137] van Lennep JE R, Heida KY, Bots ML, et al. Cardiovascular disease risk in women with premature ovarian insufficiency: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Prev Cardiol, 2016,23(2):178-86. [138]...
To prospectively assess the safety and efficacy of high-frequency ultrasound assisted mini-probe endoscopic mucosal resection for the treatment of colorectal submucosal tumors. Primary endpoints were tumor free vertical/horizontal resection margins and positive histopathologic diagnosis. Outcome data over a ...
Synthetic oestrogen and, increasingly, bio-identical oestrogen, has been prescribed (as HRT) to women since the 1950's to alleviate some of the symptoms of menopause. By the mid sixties it was being touted as the saviour of the menopausal woman, keeping her "Feminine Forever" which is the ...
郭丽,刘春,巩爱玲.更年期综合征的研究进展[J].中国当代医药,2019,26(33):21-23. Yim G, Ahn Y, Chang Y, et al. Prevalence and severity of menopause symptoms and associated factors across menopause status in Korean women[J]. Menopause, 201, 2(10): 1108-1116. 佘昊清,尹春艳.围绝经期综合征...
Custom Treatment Plans Discuss treatment options with your doctor and find the plan that’s right for you. Continued Patient Care Your doctor will continue to monitor your symptoms and hormone levels to adjust your treatment as needed. Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women ...
1. My doctor recommended HRT to manage the symptoms of menopause. (我的医生建议我接受激素替代疗法来管理更年期症状。) 2. The benefits of HRT include reducing the frequency and severity of hot flashes. (激素替代疗法的好处包括减少潮热的频率和严重程度。) 3. HRT can help to balance hormone levels...
We provide simple instructions on how to take your HRT treatment as well as advice on how to manage your menopause symptoms.New to online consultations? Just like your local GP, we’re here to support you with expert, confidential advice and treatment but without the travel and waiting time....
HRT provides relief from symptoms such as increased fatigue and irritability and depression. Hormone Replacement Therapy is usually followed for a few months or a couple of years. HRT is known to prevent or alleviate any bone loss that leads to osteoporosis. Women who have been on HRT ...
oestrogenandprogesteronelevelsfallandthereducednegativefeedbacktothepituitarycausesariseinluteinisinghormone〔LH〕andfolliclestimulatinghormone〔FSH〕.HOW?Oestrogenreductioneventuallyresultsinmenstrualcycledisruptionandothermenopausalsymptoms.HOW?Oestrogenreductioneventuallyresultsin ...
Oestrogen reduction eventually results in menstrual cycle disruption and other menopausal symptoms. * FSHhigh (30 170 mU/ml) * LHhigh (20 80 mU/ml) * Estradiollow ( 110 pmol/L)122021/10/23 星期六Vasomotor Symptoms 7、Sleep DisordersMenstrual DisordersMood ChangesVaginal AtrophyDyspareuniaSkin ...