If you notice any change in your condition, you may need further diagnosis or treatment. The most important ways to reduce the risk of heart disease are in your control, not the control of your health-care professional. Lifestyle changes are the most powerful way to prevent heart disease ...
Hormone replacement therapy can relieve many symptoms of menopause, though discussion with your physician is always key. According to Dr. Brightman, you shouldstartHRT within 10 years of your final period, and before the age of 60. Typically, people with a uterus willbegin a mix of estrogen ...
It feels important to briefly mention hormone replacement therapy (HRT) when talking about balancing hormones, especially since it’s a hot topic lately. If you are exploring the use of HRT to address your hormonal imbalance discuss the pros and cons with your doctor and ensure the HRT is bio...
What you need to know about hormonal imbalance disorders According toCleveland Clinic, “A hormonal imbalance happens when you have too much or too little of one or more hormones. … For many hormones, having even slightly too much or too little of them can cause major changes to your body ...
ago has largely been discredited. Estrogen therapy does not cause breast cancer. The benefits of improving your skin as well as decreasing bone loss, cardiovascular disease and dementia far outweigh any possible risks. You need to discuss HRT with your physician to see if you are a candidate....
Need feedback...my curiosity is getting the best of me!!! MommaBearlion on May 18, 2016: To all of you ladies questioning if you are pregnant... Absolutely possible, but not necessarily. Periods are extremely unpredictable while breastfeeding even if they have seemed to return to a schedu...
It is possible that in the early stages of pregnancy you might feel an increased need to wee, feeling like you’re forever making trips to the toilet. You could notice this feeling, especially at night time. Dr Prudence Knight, GP at Lancaster Medical Practice tells us. “As pregnancy symp...
is known to increase bone density significantly and therefore reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis. It works by replacing estrogen in the body so your usual process of laying down new bone can continue. HRT is a preventative measure rather than a treatment, and once you stop taking it,...
The aim of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is to replace the estrogen that declines in your body during the menopause. If you still have a womb, you will need HRT that includes progestogen. Replacing estrogen helps reverse some of the common symptoms of the menopause, including hot flushes....
Health What even is pelvic floor therapy? LI winner Gabby opens up about freezing her eggs Justin shares cryptic post about imposter syndrome We need to stop celeb health speculation, end of