External grievances if any are handled by HR Head under the guidance of the Director General. An employee who feels that his/her sexual harassment or misconduct complaint or a retaliation complaint did not receive prompt and fair response/resolution, may contact the ICC Presiding Officer and /or...
Retaliation protections Employees are protected from being fired as a form of retaliation for engaging in legally protected activities, such as filing a complaint about workplace discrimination or harassment, participating in an investigation, or whistleblowing on illegal activities within the organization....
The NLRB’s General Counsel continues to seek to expand the definition of an employee entitled to NLRA rights and protection by seeking to restrict who is considered an independent contractor. She has taken the position that it is an independent violation of the NLRA for employers to misclas...
AcronymDefinition MCHR Maryland Commission on Human Relations MCHR Missouri Commission on Human Rights (Jefferson City, MO) MCHR Medical Committee for Human Rights (est. 1964) MCHR Melanin-Concentrating Hormone Receptor (biomedicine) MCHR Michigan Coalition for Human Rights (Detroit, MI) MCHR Modul...
A definition of the word grievance: The policy should start with a clear definition of what constitutes a grievance. The procedure(s) for filing a grievance: Specify what steps employees need to take when filing a grievance, including what form to use, who to contact, and what evidence to...
While Hollywood’s black comedies usually have some sort of harm coming to those “bad bosses”, the harm from “Quiet Firing” is losing your top talent, something no company can ill afford in today’s tight labor market. What is the Definition of “Quiet Firing”? McGovern in her HR ...
At issue is the FEHA’s definition of employer, which “includes any person regularly employing five or more persons, or any person acting as an agent of an employer, directly or indirectly….” Under the definition, the term “person” includes various types of business entities, n...
6:45 – First topic:BlackRock is now requiring all employees to disclose any sort of romantic relationshipwithanyone in the company or anyone related to the company, including all vendors and partners, which includes 1/5 of the known world by definition. The company may make alternative work ...
If the person with power is the superior, is not the person reporting to him, by definition, inferior? Grand Poobah is sounding better by the moment. In most communications, there is no need to emphasize hierarchy. I like referring to colleagues as just that. ...
Measure A would apply to “hotels” — which are establishments that provide temporary lodging to transient patrons for 30 consecutive calendar days or less. The definition of “hotel” includes motor lodges, motels, apartment hotels, transient occupancy residential struct...