DESTINY-Breast06研究新突破,拓展抗HER2治疗获益人群。 美国临床肿瘤学会(ASCO)年会于2024年5月31日至6月4日在美国芝加哥盛大召开,本次大会公布了多项乳腺癌领域的最新成果,其中德曲妥珠单抗(T-DXd)作为HER2靶向的代表性ADC药物更是讨论的热...
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氟维司群: 一种ERs拮抗剂药物,由AstraZeneca PLC (AstraZeneca PLC)公司最早进行研发,目前全球最高研发状态为批准上市,作用机制: ERs拮抗剂(雌激素受体家族拮抗剂),治疗领域: 肿瘤,皮肤和肌肉骨骼疾病,神经系统疾病,在研适应症: HR阳性乳腺腺癌,乳腺癌,ER阳性乳腺癌,
The Automotive industry is now on the precipice of transformation. Businesses are facing logistical and legal pressures that are forcing them to update products. Consumers are re-thinking what they want from cars. And finally, new techn...
As a mainstream automaker that produces a massive number of vehicles, Honda has garnered a reputation for reliability, with the HR-V earning 82 out of 100 in J.D. Power consumer surveys. Even so, there have been a few recalls over the years, but in comparison to how many models are ...
【2024Java面试】Netty面试最强压力连环问,你能扛到第几轮? 04:14 Java程序员抄这个简历模板 面试接到手软,和十个大厂hr聊过之后,才拿到的Java满分简历秘籍 01:31 【2024Java场景题】假如让你实现一个消息队列,会如何实现?考虑哪些问题呢? 02:29 2024年最新Java面试题 Sentinel 采用的是什么限流算法?【Ja...
2024年2月,HRTech共报道了18起投融资事件。2月的投融资总金额超7亿美元。 以下是2月投融资事件汇总 在本月HRTech投融资报道细分领域方面,主要涉及:人工智能(2起)、员工健康(2起)、福利管理(2起)、学习发展(1起)、管理平台(1起)、技术平台(1起)、员工招聘(1起)、其他(10起)。投资领域重心板块以人工智能...
HRCE Compliance Update: NYS HERO Act Designation EXPIRED March 17, 2022 Standard The New York State Commissioner of Health, Dr. Mary Bassett, announced the following in apress releaselast week: “On March 17, 2022, the designation of COVID-19 as an airborne infectious disease that presents a...
The DeLone and McLean model of information systems success: a ten-year update. J Manag Inform Syst. 2003;19(4):9–30. Google Scholar Agarwal N, Rathod U. Defining ‘success’ for software projects: an exploratory revelation. Int J Proj Manag. 2006;24(4):358–70. Article Google ...
Update: Now that I actually had some time to troubleshoot, I have a solution. This is *NOT* a DisplayFusion problem. It's a Windows Problem - or at least my instance of it was. The solution, at least for me and for now, is to block Windows from checking W...