图3 空白血液总离子流图(a)和500 ng/mL骆驼蓬碱、去氢骆驼蓬碱血液添加样品的总离子流图(b)及提取离子流色谱图(c) Fig.3 TIC chromatogram of blank blood sample (a); TIC (b) and MRM chromatograms (c) of harmaline and harmine spiked human blood samples at 500 ng/mL Full size|PPT slide ...
这些研究均是基于单一化学成分经硫熏后的转化情况,不能全面反映金银花硫熏后化学成分的变化情况。Liu等[19]基于质谱总离子流图(total ion chromatogram,TIC)中的色谱峰,系统研究了硫熏金银花中化学成分,鉴定了17种新生成的含硫衍生物。但...
液相色谱理论发展简况HPLC的基本概念和理论HPLC系统有机质谱分析原理及基础知识仪器的维护以及故障的排除 液相色谱理论发展简况 色谱法的分离原理是:溶于流动相(mobilephase)中的各组分经过固定相时,由于与固定相(stationaryphase)发生作用(吸附、分配、离子吸引、排阻、亲和)的大小、强弱不同,在固定相中滞留时间...
Figure 2. MRM chromatogram (ESI+) of estradiol in a sample and in Milli-Q®water. 可追溯性 水纯化系统的在线监测功能使科学家们确定他们所使用的水是否符合LC-MS分析的要求。但是,当问题产生时,说明LC-MS分析过程中已经出现了污染,找到并消除其来源至关重要,因为污染隐患来源非常多,使用LC-MS实验时收集...
The Pro EZLC Chromatogram Modeler is a free simulation software program offered by Restek based on chromatographic modeling to assist users in developing LC–MS methods for critical separations. Shimadzu LabSolutions v.6.115 LabSolutions CDS is available in three p...
1-gastrodin 2-p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol 3-vanillyl alcohol 4-vanillin 5-p-hydroxybenzaldehyde 6-parishin B 7-parishin C 8-parishin A图 1对照品溶液(A)和供试品溶液(B)8种成分的MRM色谱图Fig.1MRM chromatograms of eight components in reference solution (A) and sample solution (B) ...
The molecular weights of the nine main components in an HPLC -DAD chromatogram were determined by the corresponding positive-and negative-ion ESI and the positive-and negative-ion APCI mass spectra information. In the liquid chromatogram obtained by TIC from the negative-ion ESI-MS , the ...
chromatogramsindicatedagoodseparationoftheanalytes andtherewasnointerferencebyothercompounds. The coefhcientsofdeterminationofthecalibrationcurveswere above0.999. Thecalibrationrangewas20—6O0t*g L~.Peakplasmaidebenoneconcentration(Cmax)of (316±85)
色谱图(chromatogram)--样品流经色谱柱和检测器,所得到的信号-时间曲线,又称色谱流出曲线(elutionprofile)。 基线(baseline)--经流动相冲洗, 柱与流动相达到平衡后, 检测器测出一段时间的流出曲线。 一般应平行于时间轴。 噪音(noise)--基线信号的波动。通常因电源接触不良或瞬时过载、检测器不稳定、流动相含有...
Fig. 1.The total ion chromatograms of MSO (A) and USO (B) in the positive ion mode. Fig. 2.The possible fragmentation pathway of chrysoeriol-6,8-di-C-glucoside (A), rhoifolin (B), 5,6,7,8,3’,4’-hexamethoxychalcone (C), and auraptene (D). ...