I need to be physically present to hit Enter at the Smart Hard Disk check error. Is there a BIOS setting to ignore such errors and just continue booting? 2) Do you think my SSD is failing? If there's no way to tell if it'll be months or ...
I need to be physically present to hit Enter at the Smart Hard Disk check error. Is there a BIOS setting to ignore such errors and just continue booting? 2) Do you think my SSD is failing? If there's no way to tell if it'll be ...
开机时一直按F8 后进入安全模式,开始-运行-“1720-SMART Hard Dri ve detects imminent failure(Failing Attr:0j)再把 1720-SMART Hard Dri ve detects imminent failure(Failing Attr:0j).330vb 点钩OK!(可能会出现找不到那就说明你的电脑磁盘坏了建议冲换)...
Hard Drive Detects Imminent Failure 蜂鸣报警: 无可能原因:&# 8、160;检测到硬盘 SMART 潜在故障。 硬盘可能会在未来发生故障。操作: 如果配置为非 RAID 0 阵列,请更换故障硬盘和即将发生故障的硬盘。请参阅服务器文档。如果配置为 RAID 0 阵列或非 RAID 设置,备份并更换硬盘,然后恢复系统。 1721 错误消息...
48 第 3 章 故障排除 表 3-12 数字代码和文本消息 (续) 控制面板消息 说明 建议的操作 1720-SMART Hard Drive detects imminent 硬盘驱动器即将出现故障.(有些硬盘 failure(硬盘驱动器检测到即将发生的 驱动器有硬盘驱动器固件补丁,可以修 故障) 复错误的错误消息.) 1. 确定硬盘驱动器是否发出了正确的 错误...
I need to be physically present to hit Enter at the Smart Hard Disk check error. Is there a BIOS setting to ignore such errors and just continue booting? 2) Do you think my SSD is failing? If there's no way to tell if it'll be months ...
I need to be physically present to hit Enter at the Smart Hard Disk check error. Is there a BIOS setting to ignore such errors and just continue booting? 2) Do you think my SSD is failing? If there's no way to tell if it'll be months or...