方法/步骤 1 如果是HP BIOS的机器, 开机时不断点击F10键进入BIOS,选择Storage,然后选择DPS Self-test检测硬盘,确认是否报错 2 如果是UEFI BIOS的机器, 开机时不断点击F2键进入检测界面,选择Hard Drive Check检测硬盘,确认是否报错 3 确认报错后请致电惠普800售后服务技术支持热线寻求技术支持.
当惠普笔记本win7系统出现1720SMART Hard Drive Detects Imminent Failure报错时,可以采取以下步骤进行解决:进入BIOS进行检测:在开机时不断点击F10键进入BIOS设置。选择Storage选项,然后选择DPS Selftest进行硬盘检测,以确认是否确实存在硬盘故障报错。对于UEFI BIOS的机器:在开机时不断点击F2键进入检测界面。
翻译:1720 -智能硬盘检测即将失效(失败的属性:5)引导区有问题?开机时用安装盘(如果是带工具的ghost盘的话)里面的pq、diskman查看一下,是否是分区设定、引导区配置问题。
In my computer, it is showing imminent failure on my hard drive d:. What should I do? Every time I turn on the computer. I already did the recovery - 7757461
What can you do if your tests come back with bad results? You should assume that complete hard drive failure is imminent and begin to look for a new hard drive. It’s only a matter of time before it fails, and you don’t want to lose all of your precious files and programs. ...
The error code reported, Hard Disk 1 SMART Hard Drive Detects Imminent Failure, means the hard drive is about to fail, or has failed, needs to be replaced, and the operating system reinstalled. If you can still get into Windows, back up any files you need to save onto a portabl...
您看到的这个报错提示是有关硬盘方面的报错,这个情况很可能是由于硬盘有故障造成的,建议您可以在BIOS中检测一下硬盘,检测方法:开机后按F10进入BIOS,然后选择Diagnostics,运行Hard Drive Self Test(或HDD Self-Test Options)检测硬盘。整个过程需要30到60分钟左右。提醒您,在检测过程中同时连接电池和...
若遇到“Hardware Monitor found an error”提示,说明主板硬件监控功能发现异常。进入“POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP”,检查并解决异常部分。若“pri slave drive-ATAPI LNCOMPatible press F1 to Resume”显示,可能是光驱连接问题或故障,建议在CMOS中设置IDE口为自动。“Press F1 to continue,DEL to enter ...
it goes to a blue screen that's says smart hard drive error. It says Hard disk 1 (301) F2 - System diagnostics and enter to continue set up. When u press enter it ask you to press F1 to boot. That's on a black screen that says 1720 - smart hard drive detects imminent failure....
1720-SMART Hard Drive detects imminent failure (Failing Attrubute:C8)Please back up the contentS of the hard drive and run HDD Self Test in F10 setup能正常开机,但是每隔一段时间就会提示,Windows检测到一个硬盘问题,请您备份您的数据,大概是这意思. 答案 追分. 结果二 题目 【题目】1720-SMART Hard...