Released more than 12 years ago,Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earthis nonetheless a perennial favorite. This first-person survival game is based on H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos from the eponymous short story and from his novellaThe Shadow over Innsmouth. InCall of Cthulhu: Dark Co...
Some movies based on Lovecraft short stories include beloved horror classics, such asRe-AnimatorandFrom Beyond, both of which were directed by mega-fan Stuart Gordon. Other Lovecraft inspired movies don't have their origin in any particular story he wrote but from the overall tone and style of...
There is no deictic shift to `the gossips'' point of view, themodal `even' keeping the centre on the storyteller by emphasis on his/her perception.However, the segment in bold sees a relational shift away from ...
NB: I haven’t read a ton of Lovecraft, probably six or so short stories, so maybe he has a novel or novella with rich characters and narratives, but I haven’t found it.None of this is to suggest that he wasn’t brilliantly creative and imaginative, just that his stories aren’t ...
It was not long before I found that Zann’s eagerness for my company was not as great as it had seemed while he was persuading me to move down from the fifth story. He did not ask me to call on him, and when I did call he appeared uneasy and played listlessly. This was always ...
“The Thing in the Moonlight” is based on a letter that Lovecraft wrote to Donald Wandrei on 24 November 1927. The story surrounding Lovecraft’s description of his dream was written by J. Chapman Miske and published in the January 1941 issue of Bizarre.Letter...
H.P. Lovecraft has become widely known as one of the greatest horror writers of all time. He is, at the very least, one of the most influential. He created whole worlds of creatures, whole mythologies... 1 2 FOLLOW US: Does Your Horror Feature or Short Need Worldwide Distribution? Cli...
Book Summary: “The Beast in the Cave” is a short story by American horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft. A man touring a Mammoth Cave separates from his guide and becomes lost. His torch expires and he is giving up hope of finding a way out in the pitch dark, when he hears stra...
Lovecraft was known for his creepy literature with books likeThe Call of Cthulhu,The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath, andThe Rats in the Walls. His books tend toward ritual and dark beasts. However most of his work is all in short story form, originally written for pulp magazines instead of...
During the reference laden discussion between Atticus and George in episode one, Atticus flips through a collection of short stories by H.P. Lovecraft originally published in 1939 by Arkham House Publishers. He references that the Arkham they're looking for is the location of a short story by ...