Short stories will always be the most underrated form of horror. Some, if not most, of the best horror stories ever told were short fiction. Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, Richard Matheson, etc̷... Script to Pieces: Mario Bava’s Scarlet Friday (AKA The Dunwich Horror) Nat Brehmer...
It would be impossible to underestimate the impact author H.P. Lovecraft has had on movies. His stories have been inspiring feature films for decades, and ...
. . . So, what we see in these stories is Lovecraft beginning to construct the alternate world which will be the home to his most famous works, at least as much a unifying element of the author’s oeuvre as those details subsequent writers and critics have defined as the ‘Cthulhu Mythos...
Lovecraft, his work, and his beliefs have become part of the foundation of the HBO series. This helped turn the show into both a pulp adventure and a deep, unflinching study of the history of race in America
stories: his phobia of seafood manifests, one might conclude, in his siting the lair of Cthulhu in the lost city of R’lyeh sunken under the Pacific Ocean. To what extent Lovecraft’s social and political views influenced his created universe is the subject of the title essay inLovecraft ... recently went online, and apparently has a new John Scalzi short story from the Old Man's War universe and a new Charles Stross from his very enjoyable "Laundry" series (I have not mentioned the latter series very much, but it is sort of HP Lovecraft meets Men in Black crossed...
The “H.P. Lovecraft Creations” chapter includes statistics for Deep Ones, the Great Race, the Mi-Go, Nightgaunts, the Old Ones, Shoggoths, and Spawn of Yog-Sothoth. Petersen went on to create the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. (Purchase from GURPS Cthulhupunk (Steve ...
By H. P. Lovecraft From even the greatest of horrors irony is seldom absent. Sometimes it enters directly into the composition of the events, while sometimes it relates only to their fortuitous position among persons and places. The latter sort is splendidly exemplified by a case in the ...
Oh dear, ANOTHER other-wordly creature from Lovecraft? The background information that we are given about the village and the Whatley family is quite in-depth but I quite enjoyed this part of the story. It was when we came down to the “action” part and ...
I would have to give up hope of sleeping on dry ground. Nothing could be done till daylight, and I might as well make the best of it here. Lying down in the mud would not be pleasant, but in my leather suit it could be done. On former expeditions I had slept under even worse co...