consciousdecisions. 但我们也许得再想想 Butwemayhavetothinkagain. 这多半是错觉该醒醒了 It'smostlydelusion,andweshouldjustwakeuptothatfact. 你每次做决策 Ineverydecisionyoumake, 大脑中直觉与逻辑都会相争 there'sabattleinyourmindbetweenintuitionandlogic. 这一斗争体现在你生活的每一细节 It'saconflictthat...
Horizon: How You Really Make Decisions《地平线系列:心智斗争(2014)》完整中英文对照剧本 下载积分: 3000 内容提示: 我们自以为是很聪明的物种 We like to think that as a species, we are pretty smart. 我们常认为自己有智慧 有理性 We like to think we are wise, rational creatures. 我认为我们总...
《心智斗争》是一部由BBC制作的探索类纪录片,于2014年上映,由Toby Macdonald执导。这部纪录片深入探讨了人类决策过程中的复杂性,挑战了我们传统上对自己作为理性动物的认知。影片指出,尽管我们常常自认为能够做出理智的决定,但实际上,我们的直觉和逻辑在决策过程中常常展开一场激烈的斗争,而直觉的力量往往超乎我们的想象。
How You Really Make Decisions: Directed by Toby Macdonald. With John Simm, Dan Ariely, Christopher Chabris, Paul Dolan.
《地平线系列:心智斗争 Horizon: How You Really Make Decisions》于2014-02-24(英国)上映。是由Toby Macdonald执导, 由Aidan Laverty担任主编, 演员Daniel Kahneman主演的《地平线系列:心智斗争 Horizon: How You Really Make Decisions》是一部纪录片类型电影。
地平线系列:心智斗争 Horizon: How You Really Make Decisions的海报 按喜欢排序 ·按尺寸排序·按时间排序 2560x1920 正式海报 770x1080 正式海报 506x746 正式海报 + 上传剧照&海报&壁纸 >全部图片 剧照(0) 海报(3) 正式海报 (3) 壁纸(0) >去 地平线系列:心智斗争 的页面...
强推BBC “How do we really make decisions”,一个行为金融学的小导论。“投资反人性”这话不少人应该是听说了,但是估计很少人知道反人性在哪里。
So when you need to make really important decisions, like which university to apply to or which job offer to accept be vigilant about not wasting energy on decisions that aren't going to make a massive difference to your life. 因此,当你需要做出真正重要的决定时,比如申请哪所大学或接受哪份工作...
How people really make decisionsKlein, GKLEIN G., (1998) Sources of Power : How people really make decisions. MIT Press,
根据后文“That’s not a long-term solution, so try to focus on the really important issues and avoid sweating the small stuff. (这不是一个长期的解决方案,所以试着把注意力集中在真正重要的问题上,避免为小事而烦恼。)”和“That cuts down the number of options you have to weigh at any one...