knowing about the explore/exploit trade-off can make it a little easier for you to sort of relax and go easier on yourself when you're trying to make a decision. You don't have to go to the best restaurant every night. Take a chance, try something new, explore. You might...
I often struggle on what to eat when I am out, so you can imagine the pickle I find myself in when it comes to planning holidays, switching jobs or making other life changing decisions; so if you are like me, you've got to take a look at the top 10 ways to make a decision whe...
【3 ways to make better decisions -- by thinking like a computer】今晚吃什么?该买哪个好?你是否时常感到做选择无比困难?[小仙女]分享三个实用的策略来做出更好的决策~在这个演讲中,认知科学家汤姆格里菲斯向我们展示了我们如何运用计算机的逻辑来解决棘手的人类问题...
5. Learn from your past decisions. Even after I failed to follow through my decision the first time when I told people I was going to wake up early and stay up, I didn’t give up. I basically asked myself, “What can I do this time to make it work tomorrow? The truth is you ...
55-3 ways to make better decisions-3 1327 2019-05 5 56-3 ways to make better decisions 1183 2019-05 6 57-3 psychological tricks to help you save money (1) 1272 2019-05 7 58-3 psychological tricks to help you save money (2) ...
These decisions can feel confusing and isolating. Everyone has advice, but no one can tell you exactly what to do. That may be partly because big decisions are a process. There isn't one right answer or a quick fix. However, research points to several key steps that can help us...
Video:3 Ways to Make Better Decisions 做出更好决策的三种方式——采用跟电脑一样的思考方式 If you ever struggle to make decisions, here's a talk for you. Cognitive scientist Tom Griffiths shows how we can apply the logic of computers to untangle tricky human problems, sharing three practical ...
Knowing all of this has helped me to relax when I have to make decisions. You could take the 37 percent rule for finding a home as an example. There's no way that you can consider all of the options, so you have to take a chance. And even if you follow the optimal strategy, you...
9 WAYS TO MAKE BETTER DECISIONSdoi:10.1097/00152193-198606000-00018LACHMANVICKI D.Nursing Management