Building validators in PHP by hand takes time. The Yii Framework provides a ton of baseline validation features so there's no need to build them from scratch. But, if you need some custom extensions, that's straightforward as well. Validations are yet another reason why I think it always m...
Additionally, it offers numerous technological features, including an admin interface that is easier to use than those in Laravel or Yii. Build Super-Fast Web Apps with the Help of Expert Django Developers Team up with Us How Does the Django Framework Work? Django is based on a Pythonic ...
Works Great! <?php Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript( 'myHideEffect', '$(".flash-success").animate({opacity: 1.0}, 3000).fadeOut("slow");', CClientScript::POS_READY ); ?> <?php if(Yii::app()->user->hasFlash('success')):?> <?php echo Yii::app()->user->getFlash...
Let’s first create a database and a table. Related:How To Host Yii 2 Framework On Cloudways Using Composer Creating the Database Open PHPMyadmin and create a database. Name ityii2to make it easy to identify and associate with the project. Now create a table with the following schema: C...
you need to be an expert in PHP to start with Yii.I came from Adobe's Flex framework to Yii and I had no idea about PHP.OK,so maybe I spent a few days to learn some basics of the syntax,but I don't agree that you have to spent years in learning PHP before you take up Yii...
Hi, I am using Yii 2 basic application template on localhost. I have two tables admin employee My need is how to login from different tables in Yii2. I referred the link…
How PayPal Works? As mentioned earlier, using PayPal is quite easy. You just have to follow three steps to make an online payment successfully. 1- Choose PayPal to checkout 2- Login to your account 3- Confirm your payment and pay. ...
Now you knowhowto disable automatic updates, butshouldyou disable them? There’s no right answer and this depends on you and your website. On our sites, we’ve disabled automatic plugin and theme updates while keeping the minor core updates enabled. ...
Programming With Yii2: Building a RESTful API What You'll Be Creating If you're asking, "What's Yii?" check out my earlier tutorial: Introduction to the Yii Framework, which reviews the benefits of Yii and includes an overview of what's new in Yii 2.0, released in October 2014. In ...
8ALwuYSXz6FpEAAAAASUVORK5CYII=' button_dict = {'DropOff': {'enabled': buttonDropOff_enabled, 'focus': buttonDropOff_focus}, 'Exit': {'enabled': buttonExit_enabled, 'focus': buttonExit_focus}} def make_button(title='', key=None, target=(None, None), use_ttk_buttons=True, ...