"yidas/yii2-adminlte": "~2.1.0" CONFIGURATION Register or depend Asset into your application: yidas\adminlte\AdminlteAsset For eaxmple, to register AdminLTE assets in view : \yidas\adminlte\AdminlteAsset::register($this); Or as dependency in your app asset bundle : ...
Bug #17191: Fixed BaseUrl::isRelative($url) method in yii\helpers\BaseUrl (ggh2e3) Bug #18469: Fixed Link::serialize(array $links) method in yii\web\Link (ggh2e3) Bug #19060: Fix yii\widgets\Menu bug when using Closure for active item and adding additional tests in tests\framework...
This asset bundle provides the base JavaScript files for the Yii Framework. 公共属性 隐藏继承的属性 属性类型描述被定义在 $basePathstring此资源包里,包含着资源文件的可以 Web 访问的目录。 如果设置了$sourcePath,这个属性会被yii\web\AssetManager覆盖当它从$sourcePath发布资源文件时。 你可以使用目录或目录...
The asset bundle for theyii\widgets\ActiveFormwidget. 公共属性 隐藏继承的属性 属性类型描述被定义在 $basePathstring此资源包里,包含着资源文件的可以 Web 访问的目录。 如果设置了$sourcePath,这个属性会被yii\web\AssetManager覆盖当它从$sourcePath发布资源文件时。 你可以使用目录或目录的别名。yii\web\AssetBu...
$basePathstringThe Web-accessible directory that contains the asset files in this bundle.yii\web\AssetBundle $baseUrlstringThe base URL for the relative asset files listed in$jsand$css.yii\web\AssetBundle $cssarrayList of CSS files that this bundle contains.yii\web\AssetBundle ...
Chg #4454: Improved asset bundle managed and used composer-asset-plugin to manage the dependencies on 3rd-party JS libraries (qiangxue) Chg #4501: Renamed the constant YII_PATH to YII2_PATH (qiangxue) Chg #4586: Signed bigint and unsigned int will be converted into integers when they are...
$baseUrl string The base URL for the relative asset files listed in $js and $css. yii\web\AssetBundle $css array List of CSS files that this bundle contains. yii\web\AssetBundle $cssOptions array The options that will be passed to yii\web\View::registerCssFile() when registering the CSS...
This asset bundle provides the base JavaScript files for the Yii Framework.Public Properties Hide inherited properties PropertyTypeDescriptionDefined By $basePath string The Web-accessible directory that contains the asset files in this bundle. yii\web\AssetBundle $baseUrl string The base URL for the...
yii\widgets\ActiveForm ActiveForm is a widget that builds an interactive HTML form for one or multiple data models. yii\widgets\ActiveFormAsset The asset bundle for the yii\widgets\ActiveForm widget. yii\widgets\BaseListView BaseListView is a base class for widgets displaying data from data provider...
controllers and views for CRUD; new classes for controllers; skeletons for modules and files for Yii2 extensions. But if you happen to prefer command line, check out Symfony2. Skeletons for bundles, forms and CRUD controllers in Symfony2 are generated with SensioGeneratorBundle. As for routing,...