idea of genetically identical cells (to patient) ;2. no risk of rejection/ eq ;3. no need to take immunosuppressant drugs/ eq ;4. less risk of infection/ eq ;(C )1. no destruction of embryos/ eq ;2. embryo has potential to become a human life / eq ;3. {religious / ethical }...
Autologous(aw-TAH-luh-gus) means your own stem cells will be harvested, stored, and put back (transplanted) into your body in a peripheral blood stem cell transplant. Your stem cells will grow and mature into new blood cells that will replace your cells that were killed during treatment. D...
M. and Dexter, T. M. (1997). How do stem cells decide what to do? In The Molecular Basis of Cellular Defence Mechanisms, Ciba Foundation Symposium 204, pp. 3-16. John Wiley and Sons, New York.Cross MA, Heyworth CM, Dexter TM: How do stem cells decide what to do? Ciba Found ...
Like embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells can be grown in culture to establish stem cell lines. Adult stem cells were once believed to be more limited than embryonic stem cells, only giving rise to the same type of tissue from which they originated. But new research suggests that adult st...
aScientists have figured out how to take adult stem cells from the skin and other organs and reprogram them genetically, the first step toward turning them into replacement tissue tailor-made to the patient's immune system. 科学家推测如何采取大人干细胞从皮肤和其他器官和重编程序他们基因上,第一步...
engineered the telomerase-expressing hepatocytes to die in response to a chemical signal and gave the mice with a liver-damaging chemical, he found that those animals in which the telomerase cells had been killed exhibited much more severe liver scarring than those in which the cells were ...
aScientists have figured out how to take adult stem cells from the skin and other organs and reprogram them genetically, the first step toward turning them into replacement tissue tailor-made to the patient's immune system 科学家推测如何采取大人干细胞从皮肤和其他器官和重编程序他们基因上,第一步...
Adult stem cells appear to accumulate DNA damage with ageing as a result of extrinsic exposures, telomere shortening and/or replicative stress associated with homeostatic proliferation. Accumulated DNA damage in stem-cell compartments can be oncogenic, or can engage tumour-suppressor mechanisms such as ...
Yet the discovery that certain regions of the mammalian central nervous system do sustain neurogenesis throughout life, together with the fact that cells can be isolated from the adult brain that generate neurons in vitro, has led to the idea that the nervous tissue harbours neural stem cells....