of what Lysenko’s teachings were and what his dominance meant, its surrealism is well depicted by Michael Polanyi’s brief story [30], which should have been in a burlesque; instead, it was bloody reality; resisting scientists lost their jobs, were imprisoned, exiled, tried, and executed. ...
Two towers in the Holly Street Development in London, England, were demolished in March 2001. They were a formidable challenge for the blasting firm,Controlled Demolition Group, Ltd.. One tower had to be rigged so it would fall over on its side, away from a gas line, while the other had...
In the late 17th century, England faced a timber crisis as shipbuilding and firewood consumed forests. The ships were necessary for trade and defense, but coal was a suitable substitute for firewood. However, producing more coal meant digging deeper coal mines, which increases the likelihood ofwat...
The act that enthralled Francisca, herself a second-generation circus performer, was executed by a duo of long-haired Chinese men. Dressed in silk tunics, the men were lifted into the air by their long, black hair and spun around in a dizzying circle. As painful as it looked, the men ...
How many men died in the Salem Witch Trials? How many witch trials were there in England? How many witch trials has there been in history? How many Aztecs were killed by the Spanish? How many were killed in the Mountain Meadows Massacre? How many people were killed in the Boxer Rebellion...
How many people were employed during the Industrial Revolution? How many child laborers died during the Industrial Revolution? How much did the population grow in the Industrial Revolution? How many Industrial Revolutions are there? How many jobs were created in the Industrial Revolution?
of Henry’s life, evangelical and conservative factions wrestled for influence—often with murderous results—but after Henry’s death in 1547, his son’s brief reign would be dominated by evangelical Protestant counselors, who were able to introduce a much more radical Reformation into England. ...
At least three people were executed by the USSR as a result of Ames' spying. Passing Information A hidden letter that Aldrich Ames left at a dead drop for his KGB contact Photo courtesy U.S. Department of Justice When secret information is passed to the spy's controllers, it ...
during which he personally ordered several members executed on the spot. The message, carefully conveyed to the Arab press, was not that these men were executed for plotting against Saddam, but rather for thinking about plotting against him. From the beginning, U.S. officials worried about Sadda...
People under such quarantines had no way of working or buying food, and starvation was a real possibility. Death tolls were so high that bodies had to be carted away and buried together in mass graves. Because of the sheer number of deaths in England, there is less genetic diversity ...