Instead, it allowed them to live upon its body alongside the last surviving human, who Cernunnos had taken as a wife and priestess. The fairies were ungrateful, however, and pestered Cernunnos to create a new home for them, something it could not do. The Priestess chastised them to ...
While the prisoners were being organized for the journey north a certain amount of individual interrogation took place. Some of those with technical knowledge, such as the troopers from the 8th Kings Royal Irish Hussars, were quizzed and got the impression that the Chinese knew the answers already...
Who was England's first constitutional monarch? Who was the first king of an absolute monarchy? Who was the first monarch to live in Buckingham Palace? Who was the British monarch when Georgia became a royal colony? Who were the kings of the United Monarchy?
but it soon became clear as most of the Empire plunged into rebellion and civil war that the British could not ensure order and the German presence became a permanent occupation. The African colonies that Germany took over were later incorporated intoMittelafrika. However, South Africa managed to...
New Parliamentary elections were held. And the M.P.s elected effectively held their seats for the next 18 years, during which no general election was called. The Stuart Kings The so-called “Stuart Kings”—Charles II and his brother James II, who succeeded him in 1685—maintained a similar...
King John lost the crown jewels (at the time) in a marsh whilst trying to escape some of the elite. The jewels were never recovered and his son Henry III had to wear his mother's jewels upon his coronation. Context:King John is often regarded as one of England’s worst kings. He no...
negro captives are painted on the tombs of kings, in such attitudes as to show that they are on the point of being executed ; and Herodotus, our oldest historian, relates that the Troglodytes hunted the Ethiopians in four-horse chariots. From the earliest time, the negro has been an articl...
It just mattered that they were good, and they wanted, and were able, to make as many people as possible laugh. That, however, was quite another era, and quite another BBC. It was a BBC that was still run in the most part by people who not only knew what the BBC was there to ...
British History 英国历史 BRITISHHISTORY Yourfooterhere Aims •1.Thevicissitudesofdynasties(王朝兴衰)•2.Themilestonesofeachstage•3.Theimportanteventsineachstage Celticpeople (700-200BC)RomanInvasion (55BC—411AD)AlfredtheGreatDanishInvasion Angles,SaxonsandJutes(5—7C)Vikingraiders (9—11C)William...