Γειασου! (yia su!). That’s how to say “hello” in Greek! But there’s actually a lot more you should know about Greek greetings…
When it comes to greetings at any time of day, the Greek language follows very similar rules to the English language. However, there is a distinction between these greetings based on whether they are used to sayhelloorgoodbye.It sounds tricky, but let’s see it. Hello at Each Time of Day...
Hello, I need to write text in Greek and Romanian using QuarkXpress 6.5. Yet, I do not seem to be able to change the language in the actual Quark, while I have no problems for example in Illustrator..(I am a Mac OX user. Does anyone know how to? Thanks.. Sort by date Sort by...
How to Say "Hello" in 100+ Languages How to Say "You" in Japanese Japanese Lesson: How to say "Me/I" in Japanese How to Say Goodbye in Italian
When choosing how to write “hi” in Japanese, you have three writing systems to choose from. Generally speaking, theJapanese alphabetsare used:Hiragana(平仮名) is used for most greetings andkatakana(片仮名) for greetings that have foreign language origins.Kanjiis only used in more formal situat...
options. Next, you'll determine how tocreate an interesting essay that shows off your unique perspectiveand write multiple drafts in order to hone your structure and language. Once your writing is as effective and engaging as possible, you'll doa final sweep to make sure everything is correct...
Learn How to Speak Basic GreekHome > Learn How to Speak Basic Greek In this section you will find many articles about the Greek conversational basics of how to speak the language. This is a great starting point for people traveling to Greece that might not know or understand the basics ...
many thanks , you learn the English language by simple methods maksem1982 Thank you so much Ronnie! You solved in 4 minutes, 10 years of difficulties!!! I’m french, I live in Italy and my customers are greek!! (as the greek alphabet is different, my customers spell their names and ...
Markdown is a lightweight markup language (get it? 😉) that lets you write up something in plain text with some very simple rules, and then transform it to formatted outputs, e.g. HTML. It's very popular among software developers and programmers, exactly because of its simplicity (and ...
You try to remember as many new words as you can every day. Yes. No. It helps to write new words down. true false All people learn the same way. true false You should only learn new words, not full sentences. true false What should you do with sticky notes? Stick them on your he...