When it comes to greetings at any time of day, the Greek language follows very similar rules to the English language. However, there is a distinction between these greetings based on whether they are used to sayhelloorgoodbye.It sounds tricky, but let’s see it. Hello at Each Time of Day...
“Hello” can be a powerful word. It can open doors to new experiences or form the start of a new friendship. Speaking in the local language, even if it's a simple "howdy" can be a sign of respect, and it'll set the tone of the rest of the conversation - whatever language it's...
And if you’re an adult who’s never learned a second language, Touma says that shouldn’t stop you from trying. “It takes effort and patience, but in general, I think the reason why people think it’s hard is because it’s such a different learning experience than anything else,” ...
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As an avid traveler, I’ve realized that learning to say even a few basic words in the language of the country I’m traveling to can make a huge difference. Learning basic words like “hello,”“thank you,”“excuse me” or yes and no in different languages can help you a ton ...
Greek— Γειασου (pronounced YAH-soo; singular to greet a friend, informal), Γειασας (plural to be polite, formal) (meaning "health to you"), καλημέρα (pronounced kalee-ME-ra; good morning; formal), καλό απόγευμα (pronounced ka-LOH a-...
TIP: Start conversing quickly in a number of different European languages with theLonely Planet Europe Phrasebook! Includes Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. ...
Learn theways of greetingin different languages around the world: 1.Hi(English) 2.Dobre rano(Czech) 3.Halo(Indonesian) 4.Witaj(Polish) 5.Assalamou Alykoum(Islam) 6.Hej(Danish) 7.Selam(Turkish) 8.Kalimera(Greek) 9.Word(Slang) 10.Buon giorno(Italian) ...
During the trip, in the restaurant, hotel, shop…wherever you go, try to say “Hello” in their language. Then each time, people will treat you better than just saying “Hello” in English. If you try to talk their own language, they become happy even if they know English. ...
[Greekphellos,cork; seebhel-inIndo-European roots+-derm.] phel′lo·der′maladj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserve...