1、“i feel terrible for the incident. i believe they are all good people and each and everyone of them has a family. their families must be devastated.” -hahfisar nadazri, a 28-year-old teacher. i appreciate what you say and am sorry to have caused you so much worry. im also ...
Casestudy---HowtoexpressemotionsandfeelingsinTask-writing ◆Step1tochoosethetone ● SampleOne ’12年广州市一模 Aletterfromamother Tips:1.Readcloselyforemotions 2.Underlinethekeywordsforemotionswhichdecideyourtone Wordsandexpressionsofpersonalemotions ••••••••••• 钦佩,赞赏,...
One way to understand emotions and feelings is to categorize them. There are several categories of emotions, including: Happiness: This is a positive emotion that we feel when we are content, satisfied, or joyful. Sadness: This is a negative emotion that we feel when we are unhappy, disappoi...
根据上文“By teaching kids about their feelings and emotions, it opens up a whole new world for them. It’s like Helen Keller. In the movie Helen Keller, there’s an amazing scene where she learns that water has a name. Her world completely opened up. (通过教会孩子们自己的感受和情绪,...
How Native Speakers Actually Express Their Feelings Again, it’s up to you whether you’d like to share your feelings, given that the context is appropriate and non-offensive for you or the audience. If you want to do as the locals do, then talk about your emotions roundaboutly. ...
Whentheycomeintothisworld.Childrenareblankcanvases(画布)36.___That’swhyteachingyourkidsabout emotionsandfeelingsissoimportant.Herearesomewaystodoso.NametheFeelingsYoumayseeyourkidactingoutemotions.37.___Supposeyoureatthepark.LittleBeaverishavingagreattimebutyouhaveadentist.appointment.Agoodwaytostartteaching...
Scenes in which characters feel these powerful emotions should usually inspire the same feelings from readers. When done well, these powerhouse scenes become the cornerstones of the entire story. They are the moments audiences are likely to remember long after they may have forgotten beautiful prose...
< Emotions and Beliefs How Feelings Influence Thoughts搜索 阅读原文 下载APP
【小题2】. Relax and think through your feelings as they come to you. Whenever you feel something, take a second to sit with what you’re feeling. Think about how you feel and let the emotion wash over you naturally. Name your emotions as they come to you. Giving your feeling a ...