terroris a more intense fear thanuneasiness. However, emotions aren’t often neat and tidy; there is usually some overlap. One can feel multiple degrees or kinds of emotions at once. In these cases, it can be helpful to pile up synonyms to really get the emotion across. For example:...
Categories of Emotions The list of emotions a typical young child understands may be limited to happy, mad, sad, and scared (Harter, S., & Buddin, B. J.); however, as the child grows, the list expands, and they develop a more nuanced vocabulary to describe their feelings. ...
List of Contributors - Feelings and EmotionsELSEVIERFeelings & Emotions
Afraid Sad Hot Amused Bored Anxious Confident Cold Suspicious Surprised Loving Curious Envious Jealous Miserable Confused Stupid Angry Sick Ashamed Withdrawn Indifferent Sorry Determined Crazy Bashful Depressed Enraged Frightened Interested Shy Hopeful Regretful Scared Stubborn Thirsty Guilty Nervous Embarrassed Dis...
Despite the millennia we have spent side by side with our emotions as we evolved, it can bedifficult to really identify, understand, and control those feelings. How we manage our emotions is calledemotional intelligence. So what’s actually going on in your body when you are feeling sad, or...
Feelings can be tough to talk about for children—even for grown ups, I always find myself recommending children’s books as a way to navigate through feelings.
The second of the basic human emotions is sadness, which is the direct opposite of happiness but is something that everyone will feel at various points in their lives. When looking at someone who is experiencing feelings of sadness you might notice that their mood is dampened and they are ...
social and emotional learning (SEL).SEL is a processthrough which children and teens gain knowledge, skills, and attitudes that help them develop healthy identities and manage their emotions. SEL also teaches kids how to achieve their goals, make responsible decisions, and show empathy for others...
One of my favorite places to search for writing jobs, both full-time positions and freelance roles, isstaffing agencies. With staffing agencies, you can find contract, permanent, temporary, and remote job openings. They have openings for technical writers, content strategists, copywriters, public...
Another way to express your emotions digitally is through emojis (表情符号). “When we are communicating online, we are only revealing (显示) the content and leaving out vocal tones (音调) and facial expressions,” Moitree Banerjee, a lecturer of psychology (心理学) at the University of Chic...