For example, maybe you choose to focus your essay on an ice fishing trip you took with your grandfather, and the lessons you learned about patience and the value of cross-generational relationships. Alternatively, you could write about your tradition of getting an owl-themed trinket anywhere you...
At this point, it is a really good idea to talk out your essay to someone else (or even to yourself). You might want to record yourself as you talk through your ideas or ask someone to write down what you say. Often this is the place where you may want to make some changes or ...
If you're planning to take theAP Language (or AP Lang) exam, you might already know that 55% of your overall exam score will be based on three essays. The first of the three essays you'll have to write on the AP Language exam is called the "synthesis essay." If you want to earn...
Students should get in the habit of locking the doors to their car, dorm room, apartment or house – especially before going to bed. To prevent theft, don't leave belongings inside a vehicle or out in the open, avoid propping open doors, close all garage doors and set alarms. "I think...
Writing short stories is an invaluable way to grow your writing craft. Learn how to write a short story with this article.
Write a cover letter detailing who you are, how you can be contacted and what it is you are proposing. Include a brief synopsis of the play, a description of why it is important and in which season you would like to stage the play. Include a paragraph explaining why you feel qualified...
There’s got to be a way B is also with an x, to have only-only physics head up. Take me off this thing. Party, McGuinn Stables, 3862 treble form B concert X. Head city decision album, base by basis-colored (head). Front suppose yellow, a Bob Marley ship. Won its guns, I do...
try to make it fun, and music will save you when you just want to hop into your warm bed and sleep. i have to pull an all-nighter tonight because my teacher tweaked the essay prompt, so i have to start all over, and this essay is part of final. and the other part is a ...
Finding evidence in the text Once you have selected the tone word that is appropriate for your essay, select 2 quotes from the text that help to show how the author is establishing the tone by using descriptive details. Share your quotes and explain to the class....
My math score went up on the second attempt, so when it came to writing down my Superscore for WashU, I could write down 36. So that helped me stand out. As I’ve been in your shoes before, I understand those numbers might cause trepidation and comparison. So I also want to ...