然而实际情况:作业、essay和社团活动连番轰炸,因为没有统一透明的评分标准,如何判预估分全部落在老师头上,拿分靠玄学,你不知道感觉不错的那篇IA拿了个low 6,而因为实在想不出来一个晚上爆肝的TOK居然拿了B; 哦对了,为了测试IBer们对自家high level学科的热爱,还要写一篇对这门学科的深情表白... 但是只要能活...
ap lit essay structure quiz 儲存 單詞卡 學習 測試 配對 general thematic idea 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 opening statement 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 8 建立者 oliviarogerssss 6個月前建立 學生們也學習了 單詞卡學習集 學習指南 Exam One 21-30 10個詞語 Noodlepancake 預覽 3 32個詞語 lindseylagrou 預覽...
Platforms likeMyAssignmentHelpoffer exceptional essay writing help, allowing you to dedicate your time to actual learning while they handle your writing needs. With a supportive study environment and expert assistance, you’ll be better equipped to tackle exams and assignments efficiently. The library ...
Reading a diverse array of novels, poetry and plays from different eras and genres will help you be familiar with the language that appears in the various passages on the AP Lit exam's multiple choice and essay sections. If you read primarily modern works, for example, you may stumble throu...
That said, not all DBQ essay examples are created equal. We'll briefly cover what makes a good DBQ example and then provide a list of example essays by course. Lastly, we'll give you some helpful tips on how to best use sample essays in your own preparation process. ...
Essay Questions Each question has an introductory blurb that helps set context for the question. These blurbs offer important information that can help the student succeed. It is important to analyze the question, mark up the given text, and write a plan before beginning to write the essay. ...
AP艺术史的考试由选择题 + 2道30分钟的essay + 4个15分钟的短答题组成。 TIPS 艺术史是中国学生比较少考的题目。和English Literature一样,它同属通识教育的核心,要求较高的英文阅读和写作水平,但完成这门课程以后你的人文和文化沉淀也将更加深厚。当你能对艺术品的来源、创作背景、美感分析道出个一二,可以说...
这也是为什么,大部分IB学校都是私立或民办的学校,给人一种非常高大上的感觉。 然而实际情况:作业、essay和社团活动连番轰炸,因为没有统一透明的评分标准,如何判预估分全部落在老师头上,拿分靠玄学,你不知道感觉不错的那篇IA拿了个low 6,而因为实在想不出来一个晚上爆肝的TOK居然拿了B; ...
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