Discover the best practices for how to write a job description. Start attracting top talent and optimizing your hiring process.
Write the job description in plain language— Avoid jargon that might be common within your company but inscrutable to outsiders. Clear and concise language will be appreciated by job seekers and minimize the risk of misunderstandings in the hiring process. Also, avoid gender-coded terms like ...
How to write a great job description 7 min | Robert Moffat | Article | Recruiting Permanent hiring | Temporary and contract hiring A job ad is the crucial first step in attracting fantastic talent to your team. Travis O’Rourke, President of Hays Canada, gives his decades of experience on...
If you want to find the right candidates, you need a compelling job description. Learn how to write a job description that stands out to potential employees.By: Jamie Johnson , Contributor Share When you're writing a job description, keep in mind that you're marketing the role to ...
of experience in the hiring process, it all starts with awell-written and thorough job description. If you only need to hire one or two people, you may be tempted to skip this step, however, you'll find there are many reasons to take the time to write out a great job description. ...
The written job description informs your candidate’s decision to either move forward or look elsewhere for a job. Therefore, if written hastily or handed off to someone unqualified to write it, the search process may not turn up top talent. FEATURED VIDEO The Man Behind the Wheel of Driver...
Writing a Job Description How to Write a Job Description Great job descriptions are thorough yet concise. They use specific terms and keep a professional tone. It’s OK to be a little quirky, but don’t overdo it. If you don’t take the job description seriously, top candidates will move...
Still not sure how to write a great job description? Need more detail for how to post a job on Facebook? Did you write a great LinkedIn job posting but nobody’s applying? Leave a comment. We’ll be happy to reply! About Zety’s Editorial Process This article has been reviewed by ...
Within this section, we will explain each part of a job description in detail, so you have aclear guideto follow when it’s time to write a job description. Job title Your job title needs to betargeted and specificto what you want the candidate to do. For example, if you’re looking...
Job location. Equipmentto be used on the job, such as an Apple Macintosh or a PC Windows system. Salary range. Collective bargaining agreementsthat relate to the job functions, such as when employees are members of a union. 2 Make the job description flexible. Flexible job descriptions will ...