In Blake Snyder’s classic book on screenwriting,Save the Cat, he says a good logline must haveirony, and then uses this example for the movieDie Hard:“A cop comes to L.A. to visit his estranged wife, and finds her office building taken over by terrorists.” That may look simple, ...
we can learn how to write good endings, in part, by reading as many books and stories as possible. Guy Gavriel Kay’s stand-alone fantasy novel,Tigana, has one of the finest endings of any book I’ve ever read. It is haunting and beautiful and — surprisingly — uncertain. But it is...
If you’re an Outliner, you prefer to map out everything before you start writing your novel. You want to know your characters and what happens to them frombeginning to end. If you’re a Pantser, meaning you write by the seat of your pants, you begin with the germ of an idea and ...
they’ll interact with many others, from enemies to friends, who’ll bring out the worst or best in our protagonists, so these side characters must have somecomplexity and developmentas well. As such, to write a good series, you should remember the following tips when it comes to the char...
It might be the unique main character and the misunderstood villain. It might be a dramatic battle scene, or a surprise betrayal. Or it might be themes of friendship and found family. If there are any parts of the story idea that don’t excite you, try to heighten them. How can you ...
When it comes to writing fiction, we each have our own unique challenges. For some of us, it’s a struggle to come up with names for characters. For others, it’s hard to write realistic dialogue. Maybe you’re like me and find it difficult to write a really good villain — I mean...
WriteAway2021年3月4日 CST Morally ambiguous characters are those that are not simply heroes or villains. They fall somewhere in between, and as such, add a layer of depth and complexity to your story. The truth is that most humans in real life are not pure angels or simply bad people,...
" "Who is the villain?" "What is the conflict of this story?" "How will the conflict be resolved?" 4Outline your story Outline your story. Create a story map to organize your ideas. Start with the title of your story on the top, then write down the setting and main characters. ...
How to Write a Love Story: 7 Steps But first, whatisa love story, really? What’syourplot type?Find out with our new Plot Type Assessment, a short quiz that acts like a personality test for your book. Plus, you’ll get a our new course, Plot Type Mastery, free for a limited time...
Write a monologue in 7 steps Whether you’re writing a monologue to deliver yourself or through a fictional character, the process for writing one is the same. Essentially, you’re writing a brief story in the form of a speech. Like any other story, your monologue needs a beginning, a ...