If you own a smallonline businesswhich you operate in one state and don’t plan on expanding into new markets, you don’t need to register the trademark of your name. You already have the right to use it in your market. On the other hand, if you plan to expand your business, explor...
Start your online business today. For free. Start free trial Register a Trademark FAQ How much does it cost to own a trademark? The cost to obtain a trademark registration depends on a variety of factors, including the type of mark, the goods or services being protected, and the jurisdictio...
Registering Green Trademarks How to Trademark a Phrase or Slogan Get It Right the First Time: Avoiding Trademark Pitfalls with an Appropriate Strategy Filing an International Trademark Can a Trademark for 'SEAL Team 6' Be Registered? Top Get helpful tips and info from our newsletter!
Trademark: A trademark is applied to words, symbols, phrases or designs that help identify and distinguish a brand or company from its competitors. A trademark is similar to a service mark, which is a word, symbol, phrase or design that makes it possible to distinguish and identify the sourc...
Trademarking Helps You to Stand Out From the Competition Another reason to trademark your business name is to help you stand out from the competition. If you have a unique and trademarked name, it can be much easier for customers to remember your business and what you offer. This can give...
Once you gain ownership of your trademarkedbusiness name, you have legal ownership of the mark with the right to use it throughout the United States in reference to your products or services. Here are some additional benefits of trademarking your business name: ...
A trademark is a mark that is used to identify the source of a good or service. It can be a word, phrase, symbol, design, or combination of these elements. A trademark can be used to protect the brand of a business and to prevent others from using it without permission. ...
Trade Names First of all, trademarks serve a very different purpose from trade names. Trade names are used to identify a business or a company (that’s why they are also often called “business names” or “company names”). Trade names are the “who” of the business. Customers deal ...
Some companies, such as Macy’s, add their word mark to a generic symbol. Others incorporate design twists that make generic symbols distinctive. Examples include the bite missing from the Apple logo. If you want to use a common symbol for your logo, then it must possess similarly distinctive...
Trademarks can be wordmarks, design marks, or a combination of both. Conducting a thorough trademark search is crucial to avoid conflicts and ensure availability. Pro Tip:As you embark on your logo trademarking journey, consider using ourlogo makerto create a unique and memorable logo that stand...