A trademark ensures your business name is protected. Learn how to trademark a business name and what the USPTO is looking for when you apply.
You don’t have to register a trademark to create a business website in the United States. If you have a smallpersonal blogor asmall business sitewithout plans to expand, your creative works are already protected by copyright. However, if you do business in multiple states and plan to grow...
If youstart a bloganddesign a new logofor it, you need to protect it. When it comes to registering your logo, simply by using it, you are creating a trademark. You are creating a visual representation of your brand sinceyour logois what your customers recognize you by and it’s what ...
Registering a trademark takes some time, but it is worth it for the longevity and legal protection of your business. This article tells you what you need to do.
Trademark vs. Copyright: Which One Is Right for You? Trademark Symbols: A Guide to Usage and Protection Your Trademark Is Registered! Now, Protect Your Rights Avoid Rejection: 5 Mistakes that Could Work Against Your Trademark Application
Start your online business today. For free. Start free trial Yes, it is possible to do a trademark application by yourself. However, as with any legal process, it is highly recommended that you seek professional legal advice to ensure that your trademark application is done correctly. ...
Can you trademark a phrase or common word?Chances are, we’re all familiar with at least one generic word that is registered as a trademark. You may even be using one of their devices to read this. Apple One example that I like to give to clients is that ofApple Inc., the famous ...
Step #1 – Perform A Comprehensive Search Do you like wasting money? If so, then you can skip Step #1. For everyone else, performing a comprehensive trademark search is the most important step in the process. How can you expect the USPTO to approve your trademark application if you haven’...
Before you start the trademarking process, it's a good idea to do a little detective work. Check if your dream business name is available by searching theUnited States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)website. A unique and memorable name is a valuable asset for your business, so make su...
A final step before you lock in a name for your company is to do a trademark search. A basicsearch of US trademarks is free. It gives you some confidence that you're not choosing a name that will lead to an expensive lawsuit in the future. ...