In order to communicate with and through the host, you must also configure the firewall on the host server for the containers. Open the firewall for all ports that the SQL Server container exposes for external communication. In the previous example, this would be ports 135, 51433, and 5100...
SQL-DMO (Distributed Management Objects), or SMO (SQL Server Management Objects) to configure an Excel data source as a SQL Server linked server. (SMO are only available for Microsoft SQL Server 2005.) In all of these cases, you must always set the following four properties: ...
In SQL Server 2005, you can use SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) to configure an Excel data source as a linked server programmatically. To do this, you can use Microsoft Visual Basic .NET or another programming language. You must supply the arguments that ar...
Step 4: Creating a Linked Server in SQL Server For this step, it is recommended that you leverage the following T-SQL snippet to create the linked server to your SQLite database. There aren’t any login accounts or any security context with this linked server. USE [master] GO EXEC sp_...
sp_MSdel_< tablename >, which handles deletes. The used in the procedure depends on how the article was added to the publication and whether the subscription database contains a table of the same name with a different owner. Any of these procedures can be replaced with a custom procedure...
Application logic that relies on the constraint to ensure that data is valid may fail. The query optimizer will not make use of any constraint that is enabled in this way. The sys.foreign_keys system view provides some visibility into the issue. Note that it has both an is_disabled an...
Add empty row to Datagridview Add EncodingType to Nonce element on SOAP Message (WS-Security) Add fonts to resources file Add hexidecimal character to a string Add IList to IList Add Images to DatagridView Cell Add months to GETDATE() function in sql server Add new row to datagridview one...
To view the properties of a merge publication Executesp_helpmergepublication, specifying the name of the publication for the@publicationparameter. If you do not specify this parameter, information on all publications at the Publisher is returned. ...
To view the properties of a pull subscription to a snapshot or transactional publication To change the properties of a pull subscription to a snapshot or transactional publication At the Subscriber, executesp_change_subscription_properties, specifying@publisher,@publisher_db,@publication, a value of ...
You can use the stored procedure sp_columns which would return information pertaining to all columns for a given table. More info can be found here You can also do it by a SQL query. Some thing like this should help: SELECT * FROM...